Chapter 54- Giving Birth

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Shawn's POV

I can't believe it. Sabrina is gonna give birth soon, I'm gonna be a father! However, I'm still super worried about her, she's really suffering right now, she cries at every contraction she has and let's just say that they're pretty frequent. She hasn't started pushing yet because she need to be at least 3 inches dilated so she's in intense pain.
"Honey, I'm here" I sit next to her and hold her hand.
We've been here for more than four hours and I've already called both of our families, they said that they're gonna take the first flight to NY but I know that they won't be here by the end of the day, finding a flight to the big apple is no easy task, especially in this season.
Sabrina squeezes my hand. So much that I think that she's pretty close to breaking it. I cringe but I know that this pain is nothing compared to hers. She's probably having another contraction now because she bites her lip, trying not to scream or anything else
"Everything is gonna be-"
"Shut up! You've done enough!"
"Sabrina I'm really sorry for leaving you and getting drunk, I really shouldn't have, but I'm here now, I will always be there" I kiss her head as she buries her face on my chest
"How could you cheat on me?!" She's crying hysterically by now and I don't know what else to do to calm her down
"I didn't do it baby, I promise, I'm being dead serious"
"Th-those photos! You can't deny it..." Her breath gets heavier
"There are videos as well that show my innocence and I will show them to you later, but can you now focus, please?" She sobs, this is heartbreaking, it kills me seeing her like this, I wish I could take all of her pain but I can't. I feel so useless, the only thing I can do to help her is being by her side.
"Focus on what?! The pain?!"
"No, no, focus on something happy"
"Like what?" I notice that she's starting to calm down
"Just think about our babies, think about when they're gonna be born, try to imagine how they will look like. Are they gonna have your beautiful eyes? Your blonde and silky hair or your cute smile?"
"I think that-that they're gonna have..." She takes a deep breath
"Your jawline" I smile
"My eyes..."
"What else?"
"And your innocent, happy smile" I can finally see her smiling slightly.
"Just like that Sab, think about them, this is all gonna be worth it after you'll give birth" She nods
"Yeah, you're rig-ughhhh" She starts having another contraction and cries even harder than before.
Why is she the one who has to suffer? Why can't I help in any other way? Why? I wanna cry but this is not the best thing to do right now, this is not about me, it's about Sabrina and the babies.
"I can't Shawn..." She's panting
"Yes you can, you're the strongest person I know, you went through nine months of pregnancy, you can't give up now!"
"It's just too much pain" I kiss her head
"Yes you can" As I finish my sentence a nurse comes in and checks on Sabrina
"So?" She smiles at me
"She can start pushing, the doctor will be here soon"
"Thank you" I say as she walks out
"You can finally start pushing! How do you feel?"
"Great!" She says sarcastically
"How do you think I'm feeling?! I'm in pain!" I sigh
"Sorry, that was a stupid question"
"Can you get out?" I frown
"Don't you want me to stay with you?"
"Not right now"
"Okay" I stand up and walk away. I know that she didn't mean to make me feel upset in any way so I'm definitely not mad at her. I understand that she might need some space, especially after what I did to her, it's perfectly understandable why she doesn't want me around.
I'm pacing around the hallway, wondering about my fiancé and my kids, the pain that they're all going through right now and how useless I am in this moment.
My thoughts are interrupted by someone who taps my shoulder, I turn around and see that it's my dad with everyone behind him
"Dad!" I hug him tightly. I didn't expect them to come this soon!
"Hi Shawn" He hugs me and then we pull away
"How's it going baby?" My mom asks me and I instantly start crying
"I'm feeling so many emotions!" She hugs me
"Shh... It's fine" I wipe away my tears and pull away from the hug
"Shawn?" It's Sarah
"Hi Sarah" I try to smile but I'm too sad for that
"Oh! Are you sad?" I nod and she looks at me with rage while stepping closer to me
"How could you do this to Sabrina?! After everything I did for you?! I thought you were cool man but you proved me wrong!"
"Okay Sarah, calm down" David steps between us, what is happening? Is David standing by me?!
"I know he didn't cheat, the pictures may say something but the videos say another thing"
"Thank you David" He slightly smiles at me
"You're welcome kid"
"So? How's the situation?" Elizabeth asks me
"Well, Sabrina has been in labor for..." I look at the clock and notice that it's four in the morning, does this mean that I've paced around the whole hospital for five hours?! That's too much! Damn I have to visit her!
"Nine hours" I say with my eyes wide open
"Sorry guys I have to go visit her" I immediately storm away and enter the room. I gotta see her but a nurse stops me from walking towards the love of my life
"Excuse me, I'm her fiancé" The nurse looks at Sabrina who simply nods, she steps away and I can finally go see Sabrina
"Hey sweetie, how's it going?" I ask her calmly as I sit down in the chair beside the bed and grab her hand
"I told you to leave me alone!" She groans in pain
"I left you for five hours and I couldn't handle it anymore, I wanted to be beside you" She sighs
"Do you know that both of our families are already here?" I try to cheer her up
"Really?" I can finally see a smile! I nod happily
"Yes, everyone: our parents and sisters. Everyone is here, cheering for you"
"That's so sweet"
"I know right?" We're interrupted by the doctor
"Okay Sabrina, I need you to push again" I can see that her expression changes back into a scared one
"You can do it Sab" I try to reassure her
"One...two...three" the doctor says and Sabrina takes a deep breath before she starts pushing.
"Just like that Brini, you can do it" She screams because of the pain and rests her head back in the pillow after she finishes.
"Can't you give her an epidural or something like that?!" I say all upset, she really can't do it anymore, she's trying hard, very hard, and yet, nothing, nothing has come out yet!
"We already gave it to her not too long ago"
"Sir, we have some problems" The nurse points at her vagina and I can see that the sheets are now covered in blood.
"What is happening?!" I ask all nervous, are they all gonna be okay?! I walk to the other side of the bed to see what is happening and all I can see is blood, everywhere
"Sir" The nurse pats my back
"The babies can't get out of there or they'll literally rip off everything, like they're doing right now" I frown
"Wh-What?! Why?!"
"Her body is too petite and her hips are not wide enough to let the babies pass" I take a deep breath, I don't wanna have a mental breakdown right now
"So what now?"
"We'll have to proceed with a caesarean operation"  I nod
"Are they gonna be okay?"
"It's a yes for the babies, as for the lady, she's having an internal bleeding which may cause her an infection" Of fuck
"But if everything turns out the right way she's gonna be okay"
"What do you mean by 'if everything goes right'?! She has to to be fine!" I might be acting like an asshole right now but we're talking about Sabrina's health for god sake!
"We'll do our best sir" She walks away, kinda frightened, who can blame her?
"Wh-What is happening?" A scared Sabrina asks me
"Nothing sweetie, everything is fine" I kiss her forehead
"You're just gonna have a C section" She frowns
"What? Why?"
"The doctors noticed that it's the best option for you" She's all sweaty, it's clear that she can't take all of this anymore. She just nods, without saying anything.
"But I'll be there all the time, by your side" The nurses start moving her bed in order to transfer it to the operation room
"I'll be there in no time, remember that I love you" l leave her hand as they take her away.
Am I gonna have an emotional breakdown over this situation? Yes.
I walk out of the room only to find everyone with a shocked look on their faces
"What is happening to my daughter Shawn?" David asks me
"The doctor says that her hips are not wide enough to let the babies crawl out, plus, she doesn't have enough strength in her body anymore-"
"Is everything gonna be okay?" Sarah interrupts me, I notice that she's about to cry. I wanna tell her that it's gonna be fine but I can't lie, not to her.
"We don't know yet, she's having an internal bleeding that might cause her an infection" I sigh and try not to cry.
"Sarah, please calm down"
"No mom! My sister! Your daughter!" Elizabeth looks down
"Guys everything is gonna be fine, and I would love to stay here and discuss with you over this but I have someone who is waiting for me right now" I quickly hug her and then rush away to change my clothes.
After I change I enter the room to see that they're already starting to open her abdomen. Not a beautiful view for sure, but I don't care
"Hey" I smile at Sabrina
"Hey..." She replies to me with a faint voice.
"In about two hours or less everything is gonna be over and we're gonna be parents, isn't that exciting?" She slightly nods. I'm trying to distract the both of us from this unfortunate situation
"I can't wait to hold them and tell them how much I love them" Even though all the pain she's going through she still manages to keep a faint smile on her face and talk about the kids.
"Me neither baby" I gently caress her cheek. I feel it, I'm about to cry. I let a tear fall down my face
"Don't cry Shawn, it's nothing serious" She tries to reassure me. Nobody probably told her that she might have an infection since she's taking it so easy
"You're right" I chuckle sadly
"I'm sorry, I won't cry anymore" as I finish the sentence I hear someone crying. More exactly a baby!
"Yes" I start crying from happiness this time, damn it! I promised to not cry again! Anyways, I finally take the baby from the nurse and hold our first son
"Look Sabrina!" She smiles widely this time
"Hey little one" She kisses his head. He's so tiny and little, he looks almost fragile and is my duty to protect him. As soon as Sabrina talks to him he instantly calms down.
"Look" I say
"He has you hair" She looks at his head and smiles. In fact. He looks exactly like her!
"So: who's this?" She frowns
"He looks more of a Harry than an Alexander to me, what do you think?" I look at the little creature and wonder about it. I mean, he doesn't have a pair of glasses or a scar on his forehead but she's right
"Hi Harry, I'm your daddy!" I kiss his little head and hear the sound of another baby crying.
"Alexander!" I say as I  take him from the nurse.
"Look at him" I show him to Sabrina, I'll admit it, holding two babies is no easy task but it's worth it.
Sabrina first looks at Alexander, then at me and then back at the baby
"He looks like you"
"Really?" I don't think so
"Absolutely, he's your copy..." I notice that she's closing her eyes
"Sab?" Her breathing is getting heavier.
A nurse notices it and rests the palm of her hand on Sabrina's forehead to feel her temperature while the doctor is still busy with stitching up everything
"She has some fever..."
"Why?" I ask her all frightened of what might happen next
"Seems like the internal bleeding from before caused an infection and her body is now trying to fight it" I look at the heart monitor and notice that her vital signs are way lower than a few minutes ago.
"We don't have the right tools for this, we need to move her to another room"
"What?!" I don't wanna freak out right now but it's really hard. As they're moving her bed to another room another nurse walks up to me and takes the babies
"What are you doing?"
"I'm sorry, I'll take them for a couple of hours for some medical procedures"
"Are they fine?"
"Yeah, we just need to clean them and check if everything is alright, the typical stuff" She then walks away with them.
They took my kids away from me and something bad might happen to my fiancé. I fall down on my knees, crying. I try to tell myself that everything is gonna be fine but there's something inside of me that says otherwise...

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