Chapter 60- Mourning.

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Shawn's POV

So Sabrina today is gonna leave to Philly, her grandma is very sick and they don't know if she's gonna make it through the end of the week. Sabrina did really not deserve this, she was already getting better, why did it have to happen now?
"Can I drive you to the airport at least?" I say after kissing her forehead, we're currently laying down in the bed
"I already have my permit Shawn"
"Yeah I know, but I wanna drive you there anyway" She smiles sadly
"Thank you sweetheart" I give her a quick peck on the lips
"No, problem. Are you feeling okay?"
"Kinda sad" I can see her eyes getting watery
"Why don't you want me and the babies to come with you? That way we can give you all the support that you might need"
"Because you need to take care of the babies and I don't want to stress you more with my little emotional breakdown, plus they're still too little for their first flight"
"But they're already two months old"
"Still too little" I sigh
"Okay, call me know"
"I will" She sits up
"Have I already told you that you're beautiful?" I sit up and rest my head on her shoulder with my hands on her scar
"Stop touching it, it makes me feel insecure"
"Why? That scar is the proof  that you're the strongest woman in earth, you managed to survive an emergency C-section and infection, how can you be ashamed of that honey?" She chuckles
"Okay I'm not the strongest woman on earth, I can't even open a jar of pickles"
"You are to me" I gently kiss her
"You're amazing Shawn" She hugs me and I gently brush her hair with my hands
"Thank you for always making me feel good about myself"
"We should get to the point where you think that about yourself without me reminding you, what do you think?" She slowly nods as we pull away from the hug
"Let's get dressed"
"Okay" I look around the bed and take her bra
"You should start from here" I say with a smirk
"And you from here" She says with my same expression as she's holding my underwear.

*at the airport*

"Bye baby, I'll miss you" I say to her with tears in my eyes
"Please don't cry" She replies to me with a sad chuckle. Sabrina looks at the twins in the stroller and kneels down
"I'll miss you you guys too" She says with her baby voice, gosh she's so adorable when she does that
"Mommy is gonna miss you so so much but she'll be back soon and she'll bring so many presents for you! Remember to let daddy sleep during the night and not cause a huge mess around the house" this is too cute
"And tell me if he smokes joint in front of you" I chuckle
"It won't happen again, I promise" She stands back up
"It better not" We hug
"I love you Shawn" She starts sobbing
"Love you too Sab, even though I won't be there physically just know that I'll be supporting you all the way from here" I give her a kiss on the lips
"Bye" I wipe her tears away
"Bye Shawn" She pulls away and walks to her terminal.
As soon as she leaves the babies start crying
"She'll be back in no time guys, I promise" I put the pacifiers in their mouths and they quickly fall asleep, great, time to go home now.

I'm finally back to the apartment, during our way home the babies kept throwing things out of the stroller and now there are photos all over the internet showing me constantly bending to pick them up, can't wait till they become a meme. As soon as I leave them on the floor they start crying
"What's wrong huh?" I pick them up and instantly realize that I have to change them by the smell of their diapers
"Okay then" I leave Harry on his crib and start changing Alexander
"Let's start, shall we?" I take off his diaper and throw it on the trash. As I grab a new one Harry starts peeing all over my face
"Harry!" I quickly cover it with the diaper and Alex starts laughing
"Haha, yeah, really funny" I roll my eyes and put some baby powder on Harry's butt after cleaning him
"You really are a troublemaker, aren't you?" He simply giggles and I can't help it but smile, that's the evil and yet innocent smile of his mom in certain situations.
"Okay now it's your turn Alex" I say as I leave his brother on the floor to play with his toys
"Now, you aren't gonna pee on me as well, right?" He only giggles, gosh these kids are insanely adorable! Wait! Alex has his mother's dimples! How haven't I never noticed it?!
"So you have your mommy's dimples huh?" I say while changing him
"It's a really good plus to attract the ladies, you see, your brother Harry has blue eyes, which can make a lot of girls fall easily for him but the dimples man" I sigh
"The dimples are the ones that can make any person fall in love with you,  they give you that youthful and innocent look that your mother has" I finally change him and throw away the other diaper
"But don't be a heartbreaker though, always respect other people's feelings, got it?" He proceeds to coos
"Good boy" I let him play with his brother and go to the bathroom to wash my face from Harry's pee, that little devil. As I'm drying my face my phone vibrates, this must be Sabrina. I unlock it and read the message

Just arrived at the hospital

How's your grandma doing?

I'll call you later


Even though I've only met her grandma a couple of times I'm gonna miss her, she was very lovely and polite, she gave me a couple of advices on how to make Sabrina happy instantly, the easiest way is with chocolate cake.
Wait! I just had an idea! The other day Sabrina was talking about how much she misses having a pet! She didn't mention adopting but I think that she might need another dog, that's amazing! I'll call a shelter and visit it as soon as possible.
After I change my wet shirt for another one I notice that it's already  8pm so it's time to go sleep for the babies. I feed them, put them in the crib and sing them Alone Together nonstop until they fall asleep. Thankfully they're pretty tired and fall asleep after about ten minutes
"Goodnight Alexander" I kiss his forehead
"Goodnight to you too man" I caress Harty's head and turn off the light before going out of the room.
"Now it's time to-" my phone starts ringing, as I see the username I see that it's Sabrina, this must mean bad news
"Hi baby" I say with a calm tone
"Sh-Shawn..." She's sobbing, my poor baby
"Everything is gonna be fine honey, I promise" I can hear her crying, this is killing me, I'm trying to fight back the tears that are trying to escape my eyes. I don't care if I'll have to stay awake all night, I'll try my best to make her feel a little bit better
"Do you wanna talk about it?"

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