Chapter 28- Sharah?

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-three weeks later-
Shawn's POV
We're in São Paulo now and I just finished my opening act.
"Shawn, can we talk?" Sarah asks me as soon as I get off stage
"Sure" I answer
"Can we just do it after we end the last song?"
"It's about Sabrina"
"I guess that we can talk now then" Sarah takes my hand and drags me into the changing room. Today she's not performing with Sabrina because she lost her voice: needless to say that her sister totally freaked out.
"Is there something wrong with Sabrina? If yes, what? Is she fine?" She chuckles
"Chill! Listen, I know how you can get her back" I frown
"She doesn't want to get back with me"
"Yes she does, she still loves you!"
"Okay, what's your plan then?"
"So, I will fake a breakup with my boyfriend-"
"Woah! It's gonna be pretty hard to convince him, don't you think?"
"He agreed"
"Oh" I look down in embarrassment and then back up at her
"After my breakup with Peyton we'll start a relationship"
"Okay! Here's the part where I do not agree with" I chuckle all nervous
"Listen, you're a great person but you already have a boyfriend and I'm still not over your sister" She rolls her eyes
"A fake relationship genius"
"Oh! Right! Continue"
"When Sabrina is gonna see us together she's gonna get so jealous that-"
"Won't she be mad at you?"
"Maybe, but she won't after you two will get back together. Shawn" She pats my back
"You two are my OTP, and I can't stand Sabrina killing herself of work just because she wants a distraction from you" I nod
"Yeah, me too, when will we start this whole thing?"
"I was planning it to do it like...right now"
"Right now?!"
"Yeah! The sooner we start the sooner we end, don't get me wrong but the simple thought of you and me-ew" She says in a disgusted face
"Oh, thank you" I reply sarcastically
"I'll tell Sabrina that Peyton and I broke up two weeks ago and that you comforted me so that's how we started our relationship"
"Sounds great, she's definitely not gonna question anything"
"Stop being sarcastic! Everything will work out" I sigh
" we have to kiss?"
"Ew! No! Only hugs and holding hands"
"Thank god!"
"Shawn!" Someone calls me
"I gotta go now"
I walk away and we perform our song

"Thank you São Paulo! You were amazing!" We both scream and hug each other before getting off stage.
"That was awesome Shawn" She hugs me again
"You were awesome as well" Sarah walks up to us
"Um Sab, we need to talk" She says all serious while locking arms with me

Sabrina's POV
What is that? Why are they locking arms? This is not okay: first of all, she has a boyfriend, and second of all, that's MY ex boyfriend.
"Sure, what do we need to talk about?" Shawn looks really uncomfortable now
"Let's get to the hotel first"
"Okay..?" She's scaring me.

We finally get to my and Shawn's hotel room.
"What do you wanted to tell me Sarah?"
"Sab, you better sit down for this" I sit on the couch. Man, they're scaring me as hell right now
"So, what you need to know is that..." Sarah grabs Shawn's hand
"We're dating" I loose my control and stand up all furious
"What?! How?! You!" I point at Shawn
"You're my ex and you start dating my sister?! And you!" I point at Sarah
"You're my sister!"
"No shit Sherlock" She replies sarcastically
"Shut up! You're not supposed to date my ex! Especially if you're in a relationship with Peyton!" She looks down
"Peyton and I broke up"
"What?! When?!" Too much information, too much information, I can't process anything
"Sab you better sit down" Shawn guides me to the sofa
"No! I don't wanna sit down! What is happening?! I-I'm confused!"
"Peyton and I broke up two weeks ago, Shawn saw me crying and he comforted me" She smiles and looks up at him
"That's when I realized that we were made for each other" They rub their noses. Ew. Disgusting.
"B-But Why didn't you tell me before?!"
"We were afraid of your reaction" Shawn replies calmly
"Reaction?! What reaction?" I chuckle nervously
"The one you just-"
"Hey Hey! Listen, if you're happy together then I'm happy for you, really" Why haven't I murdered them yet?
"And since we're together" Shawn kisses her head
"Shawn is gonna stay with me in my room from now on" My eyes widen
"Oh-okay! It's fine! Totally..yeah... Just enjoy your happy relationship then guys!" I say while faking a smile
"Thank you Sabrina, you're the best" Shawn kisses my cheek
"Okay, I get that you're friends but I would really appreciate if you guys stopped kissing each other: in any way." Shawn takes his bag
"Sorry babe" He kisses her forehead
"Bye Sab! It was nice sharing the room with you!" They both walk away.
What just happened? My ex and my sister?! No, it can't be! I'm feeling an emotion really similar to... jealousy? Hahaha, how can I be jealous if Shawn's not even mine anymore?! I try to reason but I can't. I find myself crying and sobbing while hugging a pillow on my bed. I feel so betrayed by both of them but I can't tell them that they can't date. I'm glad that Shawn moved on but I'm not happy that he did it with my sister! I just-I just can't. This is too much! They aren't just made for each other! What would their ship name be? Sharah?! No!

Shawn's POV
"Your plan didn't work!"
"You're kidding, right? Didn't you see the look on her face? She wanted to basically kill us!"
"I saw her look but she said-"
"God you're so stupid!" She laughs
"You shouldn't listen to her, look in her eyes and you'll understand everything"
"I wish I knew it earlier, when we together" I sigh
"Don't worry Shawn, if everything goes as planned you two will get back together in no time"
"I hope so" I twiddle my thumbs
"Oh! And by the way: you suck at being my boyfriend"
"What do you mean? I'm a great boyfriend"
"You should hug me more and hold my hand all the time"
"But I can't, it's disgusting holding your hands when they're always sweaty" She throws a pillow at me
"Okay! Sorry! Geez!"
"And you shouldn't hug or kiss my sister"
"But I-!"
"No, you're with me now"
"Okay" I sigh
"Are we gonna share the bed?" She looks at me as if I was the dumbest person ever
"Hell no! You're sleeping on the couch"
"Fine" I lay down
"Thank you" She smiles
"I just wanna see you two happy again" She turns off the light and we both fall asleep.
Hello everyone! I wanna thank my friend xxshawnies to help me with the idea of this chapter! I literally had no clue about what to write so thank you! She also came up with the title 😂
You can find her on Instagram as @xxcarpenter
It kills me keeping Shawbrina broken up but I swear that you're not ready for what's coming next 😉

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