Chapter 77- I Missed You

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Sabrina's POV

Today's the last day of tour! I'm performing in Mexico City, then I'll immediately take the first plane headed to LA since tomorrow I'll start filming the second season of So Close, it should land at three in the morning so if I sleep during the flight and directly fall asleep when I'll get home I'll have exactly five hours of sleep, which is more than I'm currently used to right now.
At the moment I'm getting ready for my last show, I missed touring so much and the fact that I was able to come back and do it again was amazing, but nothing lasts forever, this is why I have to come back home, with my family and friends, whom I missed more.
"On stage in ten" Grace tells me and then walks out of my dressing room. She's been mad at me since the Grammy thing, she literally refuses to talk to me unless it's business stuff and this is very stressful. I'm not sorry for what I did, at all, and she has to deal with it.
I walk backstage and grab my mic before taking the stairs that lead to the main stage.
My band starts playing the intro and that's when I come in
"Hola Mexico!" I yell and they scream back with the same enthusiasm
"How are you?" I hear the same response
"I'm glad, let's start with the show, shall we? Hit it guys!" Tobias starts playing the drums and the rest of the band follows along while the backup dancers get behind me. Time to do it.

"Are you having fun?" It's almost over. I only got time for one last song, which is gonna be Can't Blame a Girl For Trying. As much as I think that this song represents the old me it makes me nostalgic, and what better time to be nostalgic than the end of tour?
"Because I wanted to sing one last song for you guys, only the veterans know it" I chuckle and sit on the edge of the stage, right in front of some fans who are screaming and crying
"I hope you guys know it" I take the hand of the one that is crying the most to comfort her a little bit
"It's called Can't Blame a Girl For Trying" I squeeze her hand and let it go
"Here I am again, the same old situation
Why does the guy thing have to be so complicated?
I should've played it cool, instead I made a fool
Oh, the things I do
'Cause I'm young and I'm dumb
I do stupid things when it comes to love
And even if I always end up crying
Well, you can't blame a girl for trying" The whole crowd sings along and my heart is filled with joy
"Ohhh, ohhh
No, you can't blame a girl for trying
Ohhh, ooooh
I should've shut my mouth, I could've kept it quiet
I might've freaked him out, 'cause I was so excited
But I just couldn't wait, I took a leap of faith
Oh, the things I say
'Cause I'm young and I'm dumb
I do stupid things when it comes to love
And even if I always end up crying
Well, you can't blame a girl for trying
Ohhh, ohhh
No, you can't blame a girl for trying" They all pull out their phones and wave them in the air, leaving me breathless, I love them so much
"Ohhh, no, no
And I think sometimes
I tend to be my own worst enemy
And maybe someday
I'm gonna catch a shooting star falling out of the blue
Doing what I do" I'm slowly starting to cry, I love my job
"And just as I'm giving up, my heart is palpitating
Here comes another one, it's so intoxicating
And being where I've been, I know that in the end
I'll do it all again
'Cause I'm young and I'm dumb-" I choke and can't keep going because I'm sobbing, my teammates run towards me and hug me tightly, man I hate crying in front of everyone, great, now I'm crying harder because the crowd keeps singing, making me happier
"I do stupid things when it comes to love
And even if I always end up crying
Well, love will find me, there ain't no denying
That you can't blame a girl for trying
Ohhh, ohhh
No, you can't blame a girl for trying
"Thank you Mexico, and I'm sorry for crying" I chuckle and they laugh along
"But I love you guys so much. I know that this is gonna sound cheesy but I wouldn't be here without you, you're the reason why I'm singing in front of all of you and I can't never thank you enough" I sniff
"You are the best, you always worry about me" I can see the majority of them crying as well
"I think I might even love you more than my husband. Don't tell him that though" I whisper
"But I seriously love every single one of you guys and I can't wait to come back here and perform once again" Caleb helps me getting up
"Thank you" I mouth him
"You're welcome" We all wrap our arms around the waist of the person next to us and walk offstage. I'm seriously gonna miss this but my family is now far more important.

*after the plane lands at 3am*

About time, I'm finally back in LA! I take the first taxi that drops me off right at my house. I get off of it and take my keys with excitement, I'm finally gonna be able to spend some quality time with my family now!
I carefully open the door and walk to the bedroom, where I see Shawn sleeping with the kids
"How adorable" I say to myself. Alex has his foot on his dad's belly while Harry has his hand over his face. They all look like angels. Before I walk out to sleep in the couch I take a quick pic of them, this is definitely going in the family photo-album.
I go downstairs, throw myself on the couch and finally fall asleep to be waken up by a kiss on the head just a little bit later
"I missed you"

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