Chapter 42- Christmas

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Shawn's POV

It's finally Christmas! This is the first Christmas that I get to spend with Sabrina. We also invited our families to come over, since we don't have multiple guest rooms Aaliyah will stay over while the rest of the people will stay in an hotel.
However, I haven't talked to Sabrina about the distance thing, I just don't want to pull the trigger, especially today, maybe I'll tell her after New Years. One weird thing that I've noticed though is that she's giving me more and more space, just like I'm doing with her and this is scaring me, what if after I tell her that we need some distance she thinks that I wanna break up with her? Okay I'm overthinking my thoughts again, she will probably understand.
"Shawn?" Sabrina asks me
"Yes baby?"
"Can you pass me the red ball please?"
"Sure" I smile and give it to her, yup, we're doing the Christmas tree on Christmas, weird right? Here's the reason why: we both were too busy with work. We've been working nonstop on our albums and Sabrina also had to film the plot for So Close and she wanted to do the Christmas tree together, it seems like her new show will potentially get picked up: I don't actually know how to feel about it, I'm happy for her but the selfish side of me wants her to stay with me.
"What do you think?" She jumps off the chair and we both take a few steps away to get a better view of the three
"It's beautiful" I say in disbelief
"It really is" She smiles while looking at it
"I'm gonna check the cookies" She walks to the kitchen
"Okay, I'm gonna check the chicken instead" We're the worst chefs ever. Well, I'm the worst between the two, she can make some great brownies and fajitas while I can barely cook a pasta without burning everything.
When she opens the oven I can already smell a delicious scent. I moan while licking my lips
"They smell amazing" Sabrina chuckles and puts on the oven gloves to take the cookies out
"Thank you sir" She takes the tray and her expression immediately changes from a happy to a painful one
"It burns!" She leaves the tray on the table and takes the gloves off to massage the left hand
"Oh my god!" I check her it and I see that it's red and swollen
"Does it hurt too much?" I slightly touch it and she flinches.
"I'm sorry, let me get some ice" I walk to the freezer and get a bag of ice. How's it possible that she burnt herself with the gloves on?!
I come back and gently place the ice bag on her hand
"Are you okay?" I asks her since I see that her eyes are watery
"Y-Yeah" I chuckle
"You're acting like a child, we have to put a bandage over your hand" She sighs
"Okay" I gently take her hand and start putting the bandage over it
"Tell me if it hurts too much" She nods
"Okay" I continue and she bites her lower lip in pain
"Wait Shawn! It hurts! Slower please"
"Okay baby" I go slower and she sighs in relief
"Does it feel better?"
"Just like that"
"Can I go faster now? I don't wanna spend the whole day here" Her breathing gets faster
"Take a deep breath now" I go faster
"God Shawn! Be gentle at least!"
"Sorry sorry" I chuckle and finish
"Thank you" She kisses my cheek and we hear a knock on the front door

David Carpenter's POV

My family and Shawn's one are in front of Sabrina's and Shawn's apartment door, talking with each other when all of the sudden I hear something suspicious. It comes from inside. I rest my ear on the door as I try to hear what they're saying
"David what are you-" I interrupt my wife
"Shhh, listen" I say and everyone falls in silence, trying to hear the noises from inside

"Tell me if it hurts too much"
"Wait Shawn! It hurts! Slower please"
"Okay baby"
"Does it feel better?"
"Just like that"
"Can I go faster now? I don't wanna spend the whole day here"
"Take a deep breath now"
"God Shawn! Be gentle at least!"
"Sorry sorry"

Everyone gasps and Shawn's dad covers Aaliyah ears. Did Shawn and my DAUGHTER-! Hell no! I pound on the door and after a while they open it
"Hey" Shawn smiles, he has his clothes on and it's fully dressed, he's not even sweaty? How's this possible?! Did they have a quickie?
"Hi dad" My daughter comes up behind him and hugs me.
"Hi Sabrina" I notice that her hand is bandaged
"What happened honey?" She chuckles
"I just burned myself and Shawn put some ice and this bandage, it's nothing serious" Everyone except them sighs in relief and they look confused
"Why'd you all sighed?" Sabrina frowns
"No reason!" We all shout in unison
"Okay...?" They both are confused but decide to ignore our strange behavior and we come in
"How are you guys? I've missed you" Shawn proceeds to hug me, my wife and my daughters. I actually like him, he's really nice and responsible but after the salt incident my opinion changed: I'm Sabrina's daddy!

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