Chapter 67- Leaving To Come

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Sabrina's POV

I'm on my way to a press conference in Paris  -yep, the city of love, just without that much love since my family isn't with me- for the premiere of the film. Since we're stuck in traffic the taxi should get at the location in half an hour, just great, right? I still haven't fully gotten over my fear of taxis and ubers and this sucks right now, I won't have a panic attack for sure but I'm still pretty nervous so I decide to call Shawn to distract myself a little, I just hope that it isn't too late because it's 9am here, well, he said I could call him anytime soooo...I finally call him
"Hello?" He says with a raspy voice
"Sorry, is it too late?" I reply with a soft voice
"Sabrina?! No! Absolutely not! It's never too late or too early" I can hear enthusiasm in his voice, he's so cute
"How's it going?" I ask him
"Everything is under control, in fact-"
"Alex and Harry both started growing teeth"
"What?! Really?"
"Yeah, I noticed it yesterday night: Alex is growing up a front tooth while Harry is growing a bottom front one"
"Damn I wish I was there with you" I say in a nostalgic tone, I hate missing my babies' most important moments, maybe I should really just take some time to spend with them but I won't be able to do that until I'll finish this tour. After this I'll have one free month before I'll start touring to promote my new album and I know that at that point I'll be on the edge, still, I wanna do everything I can to have both professional and family life.
"I wish you were here with us too, Connor finally learned to do his needs in the park"
"You've gotta be kidding me, right?"
"I am not. Where are you now?"
"The city of love" He replies sassily and I laugh
"It would be more romantic with you though"
"I know, I would've bought you ten baguettes" I chuckle
"You're so sweet" I can hear him yawn
"I guess I better get going now, you need some sleep"
"Okay, I just have a question"
"Can you please call more often? I haven't heard you in an entire week, what happened?"
"I'm so sorry about that honey but work is really stressing in this period in particular and every free moment I have I spend it sleeping" He slightly laughs
"Well, that's a good thing"
"Talking about sleep, are you getting any of it?" He sighs, this must mean nothing good
"Alex still has got colics at late night"
"Does he cry that much?"
"Yeah, if you could only hear him, it's heartbreaking I swear"
"How much do you think it's gonna last?"
"I don't know, but I hope it fades soon and I'm not saying this because I'm getting no sleep but because I hate seeing our son like this"
"The first thing that I'm gonna do when I'll see him is tickle his tummy"
"I can't wait for you to come back home"
"We only have to last six more weeks"
"Still too much" he sighs
"So what are you doing at the moment?" I chuckle
"Don't you wanna get some sleep?"
"I wanna talk with my fiancé first since I miss her really much"
"You're so sweet Shawn"
"I know" he says proudly and I roll my eyes playfully
"Anyways, I'm stuck in traffic in a taxi"
"Woah, that must suck since-"
"Sabrina?" I can feel that he's now serious, why though?
"Do you ever think about what would've happened if you'd never got in that accident?"
"I've tried to imagine it, I still try sometimes but I just can't visualize our lives with an older daughter, have you ever tried imagining it?"
"All the time"
"And how would our lives be like?"
"I picture us being happy like we are right now, we would pretty much have the same life just with a little bit more of stress since I know that the kids would fight all the time"
"Do you ever think about her?"
"Damn, why are you thinking all these sad things right now?" I try to lighten up the mood since I'm starting to feel sad
"I don't know, I always think about deep and philosophical things at night" He slightly laughs
"Well, to answer your question: of course I think about her, about her and all the moments that we spent together know"
"Goodnight Shawn, I love you"
"I love you too Sab, bye" I hung up. What a way to get sad again, right?

-at the press conference-

I've been stuck here for almost 40 minutes, can't wait until this finishes because I can't stop thinking about the conversation that I had with Shawn, he sounded completely hurt when I told him that I couldn't imagine us with a daughter.
"Sabrina" Danny Trejo, one of my co-stars, slightly shakes my left shoulder with his arm
"They just asked you a question" I look at the crowd of reporters and laugh in embarrassment
"Sorry, I didn't hear anything, what was the question again?" I look at the girl who is standing front row with the mic in front of her mouth but Danny interrupts her before she can talk
"Why are you so off today?" I frown
"I'm not off, I'm just distracted" Everyone in the room laughs
"Then why are you distracted?"
"Just thinking about things"
"What kind of things?"
"What are you doing up here? Why aren't you sitting over there with all the reporters?" Everyone keeps laughing
"Just answer the question" he says with a worried expression
"Well okay. Someone's not in the mood" I whisper playfully to the microphone in front of me
"Thinking about my family" They all stare at me in awe
"Did you know that my kids are starting to grow some teeth?"
"Really?" Danny asks me with surprise
"Yeah, they even said 'mama' to their dad the day after I left" I chuckle but then remember that they spend so much time with him that they confuse him as their mom, what am I to them then? A random stranger that feeds them?
"That's incredible!"
"It is! And you should see them when they play with the dog! That's the cutest thing ever" I say in awe but then realize-
"I'm sorry" I stand up and everybody stares at me with a confused expression except for Danny, he knows what he did
"But I really gotta go" I start walking away
"Sabrina, wait! My question!" The woman yells and I stop
"Yeah, right, what was it?" I slightly bend towards the mic
"How can you relate to your character Nola?"
"Well we both love family" I smile
"And that is why I'm going back home"
I walk off stage just to be surrounded by the whole crew asking me all kind of questions
"Sorry guys" I say nonchalantly as I ignore them and walk outside where I take a taxi that drops me to the airport. Yeah, I'm coming!

Shawn's POV

It's now 11pm and the babies are asleep, I'm laying down on my bed, thinking about what Sabrina might be doing at the moment, probably working.
I now hear the sound of the door opening slowly, shit, how could it be? Nobody else has the keys! I decide to take the baseball bat under the bed that I have in case in emergencies, there better not be any thief or murderer. Damn I'm scared as hell right now, please let the babies be fine.
I slowly walk to the door that leads to the living and notice that the babies door room is opened, god no!
I run to their room with the bat up and enter screaming after seeing a shadow picking one of them up
"Leave him alone!" Before I hit the shadow I hear a scream and the shadow fall to the ground, a feminine one, wait, is that Sabrina?!
"Sabrina?" I turn on the light and see her crawled in a corner with Alex, who is crying, in her arms
"Sabrina!" I say with happiness, let the bat down and kneel down to hug her
"You scared the shit out of me!" I notice that she doesn't reply and trembles instead
"Sorry for that" I say, chuckling
"I almost had a heart attack! What a great way to say 'Hi! I've missed you'!" She calms down a bit and rocks Alex so that he can fall asleep again
"Why are you back anyway?"
"Yeah I've missed you too Shawn and I'm fine in case you were wondering" She says sarcastically
"But I'm back because I wanted to spend some extra time with you guys, I quitted the press tour"
"Really?" She nods
"That's amazing! Thank you, I know how hard that decision was to make"
"It's fine, they're more important than anything else right now" She says with a smile while looking at Alex
"It's awesome to be included" She looks at me with a frown
"You almost hit me with a baseball bat!"
"Because I thought you were a serial killer"
"I'm tall 5'0! I couldn't even kill Connor!"
"True...can I?" I take Alex from her arms and put him back in the crib
"Sorry for almost killing you" I help her stand up and hug her
"It's fine I guess" I smile and kiss her lips
"I've missed you so much"
"I've missed you too" She replies with a smile and I give her another kiss.
I love her so much, who would give up something they love for another thing that they love as much?
Sabrina AnnLynn Carpenter.

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