chapter 18, a bad day

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The next day...

Today was another day of the new round of the brides' competition. It was pretty ridiculous, the girls have to give the boys a 'show'. The stylists gave them an outfit for them to wear. Y/N was looking into the mirror, holding up her given outfit. "There's no actual fucking way that I'm wearing that." She thought, getting disgusted.

" She thought, getting disgusted

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(This is the outfit^)

It took some while to put it on because it was way too tight for her. She really felt like puking at the moment. Right after, the bell rang, meaning it's time to go. "I fucking hate my life..." She thought, exiting her room. Her body started aching. She forgot to mention that she usually wear M instead of S size. This outfit was probably S...

She then came across Hoseok. He eyed her, from the bottom to the top and started gawking. She looked at him confused. "Are you okay?" She asked, waving her hand in front of his eyes. He froze for seconds seeing her this way. He loosened up and tightened his tie. "I'm perfectly fine. Are you ready Y/N?" He asked, still recovering deep inside his skull.


"Good to hear, bye." He went away, almost leaving dust by how fast he was.

She went to the rest of the girls, getting ready. Everyone eyed her in a weird way. It looked like they had seen a ghost or something... Maybe G Dragon from Big Bang? Who knows... She looked behind her and no one was there except terrifying stares from the rest of the girls. "Is something wrong?" Y/N asked them and they shook their head, signaling it as a no. "Weird."

As usual, many girls were called first. After some time they went back with a blushing face. Deep breaths didn't work unfortunately this time. She kept telling herself to inhale and exhale, but it seemed that her brain was against her body somehow.


She snapped her head towards the familiar voice. "Is it my turn now, Hoseok?" She asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. "You read my mind." He said, nodding before turning back to the others. Her heart was pounding like crazy. "It's gonna be alright." She mumbled to herself.

She tried to move towards the stage, but her legs felt really shaky. She finally found the power to walk to the stage. Again, her mind and her body were against her.

The moment she arrived at the judges'. The judge, no, her brother Taehyung's eyes went wide. Jungkook smirked scanning her from top to toe. "You look really sexy.." He said, almost drooling. She forced a laugh.

"Are you okay, Y/N?"

Taehyung looked up at her with a questioned face. She nodded nonetheless. Jungkook noticed what Taehyung was thinking and sat straight up. "Y/N, please turn around." He asked, being very serious. She did what he told her to do. Both of them looked shocked. Her skin looked so red. Both of them started to get worried, standing up. "Y/N, are you really okay?"

"Ye-" Before she could finish, the last thing she heard was a loud bang on the floor and everything turned black.


The room was pretty fuzzy. The first thing Y/N saw was a familiar face next to her bed. Taehyung held her hand tight until he noticed that she opened her eyes. "Ohh my god!! You're awake!" He screamed. She nodded weakly. With some help of Taehyung, she sat up and looked dumbfounded around the room. "Where am I?" She asked, not knowing anything. He sighed trying to think if he should tell her or not.

"You're in Jimin's bedroom." He answered, being honest. She nodded again. Taehyung was pretty relieved to see her alive.

"Why am I here?" She suddenly asked, making Taehyung's smile turn into a frown. He stood up, walking to the bedroom and later on coming back with a glass of water.

"Y/N, you almost died." He said, not breaking eye contact. She spits her drink and furrowed her eyebrows of shock. "What?" He nodded. "It's hard to explain." He was trying to avoid the subject, but she didn't budge. "What happened, Taehyung?" She put the glass of water next to the bed.

"Someone... tried to poison you."

She coughed all of the sudden, making Taehyung hug her and comfort her. She pushed him weakly away. "Please Taehyung... I can't... I'm not ready to have a brother." He understood, even though it hurts from the inside.

"Uhmm, then I'll go now..." He said, trying to fight the sadness in his voice and walking away from her. "I didn't mean to hurt you.." She mumbled. The moment that she grabbed her water, Jungkook came in. "So you know that you've been poisoned?" He asked softly.

"Yes..." She answered. He came close to her and sat down at the side of the bed. "Something else happened too..." He said, trailing off a little bit. She looked dumbfounded and he gulped. "Jimin is sick as well." He said, making her more confused then she already is. We researched it and something unexpected came out.

"What's so unexpected that you look like you've seen Madonna naked?"

He laughed a little. "I've also seen her naked, so don't worry. We had sex as well. I can still feel her touch, but that isn't the case right now."

"Tell me." She demanded.

"Okay if you really want to know...." He trailed off, pausing a little bit and making her more curious then she is.

"Both you and Jimin are connected by blood."


Hello, lovelies! Sorry that the chapter isn't that long...

So it was kinda expected huh.....

I'm also sorry for any grammar mistakes, but as I told everyone before... English isn't my first language.

I really want you guys to be loud readers instead of the silent ones. Please say some things so I can get to know you guys better. : )

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