A past love

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Flashback 16 years ago...

A long time ago, men used to pray for their mistakes. But, they didn't know what would happen eventually. No human knows if heaven or hell is real.

The world is never really discovered. Meaning, there are still secrets out there that are yet to be discovered.

Heaven was pretty quiet these days. The angels were doing their jobs and the higher status were granting wishes. Over the years, Angels and the demons were never having war. But the peaceful days changed rapidly.

The angel called Lee Sora, was a beautiful woman. She was called the goddess of luck because of all her fortune. She had a close relationship to god.

Sora opened a window. A window is used by angels and demons to look at the human world closely. She saw how schoolers were happy with each other. She frowned suddenly. She was never born as a human. She craved for everything the earth has to offer... yet, she couldn't leave. She was bounded to heaven. Only if she had permission from god she could have gone, but as usual he declined her offer.

While she was looking into the window, her friend approached her. The purple headed guy was curious why she was so interested in the outside world. He took a seat next to her and looked as well. "What are you doing here, Namjoon?" Sora asked him. He sighed and looked at her in worry. "Why are you so interested in humans Sor?" She laughed at that old nickname and ignored his question.

"You know that we can't contact them. If we do then the balance will be interrupted and we all know what will happen.." She decided to make eye contact with him. "Those are just mere legends Namjoon. I do not believe in such things." She said bluntly.

Namjoon was quite shocked. "She's close to god, but she does not believe in his ways? How interesting....." He smiled at his thoughts. He stood up. Sora looked up at him. "Good luck Sor." He walked away after he finished his sentence.

Sora was battling with her own thoughts. She quickly stood up and ran after Namjoon. "Namjoon! Wait!" She shouted at him. She ran until she found him. "Namjoon!" She shouted again. He turned around after hearing his name. "Is something wrong Sor?" She nodded thousands of times. "I want to go and have my own little adventure!" She said happily. He smiled, already knowing that this would happen.

"Please don't tell anyone that I'm gone." She bowed, begging him. He let out a small chuckle, raising her chin with his hand. "Alright, this will stay between us." Sora was really happy and hugged him. Namjoon was always a brother to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders. "Please stay safe okay?" She nodded and decided to leave.

She ran towards the gates of heaven. Surprisingly they were open and not a single guard stood there. She just took her chance and left the place seeking for adventure.


Time passed.. Sora was never the kind of person to admit something, but she knew that she was lost. Heaven, earth and Hell were placed in order. Left was Heaven, right was Hell and in the middle was earth. No person knows the directions but that doesn't matter to her. She will find it eventually.

Hours passed ever since Sora decided to find earth. She only walked and walked since she doesn't have Angel wings. Exhaustion began to overtake her. She knew that there was no way to fught it and let it take over, making her unconscious.


Sora woke up and found herself in some sort of bedroom. It looked like something the royals have. She stood up and saw her clothes were changed. It began to freak her out, but she decided to play it cool.

She heard a knocking sound coming from the door. She felt a demonic presence right there. She took a deep breath and called the person into the bedroom.

It was a boy with gray hair. He walked towards her. "How are you doing?" He asked politely. His kindness her almost forget about his presence. "I-I'm alright." She stuttered cutely.

"My name is Park Jimin, what's yours?"

"I'm Lee Sora."

That was the beginning of their love, but as they say... some love can't last forever if it isn't meant to be...

Lee Sora died 1 year later. The angels were attacking the demons because they found out about Lee Sora. She was a brave Angel. Ahe saved her loving one Park Jimin from dying by taking the attack for him.

Ever since then.. the war began between them.

At that time a woman on earth prayed for a child. She couldn't have children. After some days, she found out that she was pregnant with a child.

That child's fate was meant to be special. After all, the child was called 'The one with gods touch.'

And the name of the girl was....

Song Y/N


Hello, sorry that this chapter took long to publish.

Even though this is a flashback chapter, this one is very important to the storyline. It will be explained in the future chapters.

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