Chapter 14, Who are you? Part 2

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"Queen?" Y/N thought. It scared her pretty much. She wanted to stand and run away, but it felt like she was paralyzed everywhere in her body. She shook her head rapidly and looked at Jimin. "I-I'm not a queen and surely not yours." She said, being a nervous wreck.

He focused on the bloody steak, took a bite and looked up at her. "How many times do I have to say this." He paused, letting the blood stream on his chin. "You're mine, Y/N and if anyone else touches you.. well, let's say it won't end very clean." She gulped at his choice of words. He smiled at her, seeing a nervous face on her. "C-can you at least answer one question?" He nodded and put down his cutlery.

There was silence in the room. He was getting annoyed that she just sat there like a statue. "If you want to ask something, then ask it now while I'm paying attention." He said calmly, trying to hold his anger back.

She gulped again, taking a couple of deep breaths after. "Where exactly am I?" She asked carefully. He looked confused. "You're in my home." She nodded and decided to push further. "Where exactly is your home?" Right then he knew what she meant. He smirked at her.

"You're in hell."

She widened her eyes. "Hell?" She thought, not understanding him. It clicked in her mind and her face went from nervous to afraid. He grinned. "Don't be scared, my beautiful wife." He just disappeared. She looked around, trying to find him, but he wasn't in the room.

She felt arms on her waist while she sat on the chair. It really felt like deja vu. Breathes were touching her neck. "Don't be scared~ I won't hurt you." His voice sang in her ears. "Yet."

Sweat was forming on her forehead. "Please don't." She whispered, begging him to stop.

The door suddenly opened, revealing the mint-haired boy again. Jimin was still holding on to Y/N, smirking at the boy.

"Nice to see you, Yoongi."

"Yoongi?" She remembered the name somewhere. Her eyes widened as she remembered the guy who warned her. The yoongi guy nodded lazily. "Still trying to get her soul huh?" He asked him. Y/N's face dropped.


She honestly didn't want Jimin to answer. He looked at her with a little bit of pity in his eyes.

"Your soul is what I need."

Her hands clenched into fists, she stood up and let a tear stroll down her face. "First you wanted to be my friend, you wanted me to stay away from you, then you say that I'm your queen or something and now you want my soul?"


They both nodded, making her jaw drop.

"Who are you to fucking toy with me?!?!"

She fell onto the floor, being the crying mess she is. "Please just kill me already." She sobbed, hardly letting the words out of her mouth. Jimin looked at Yoongi. They nodded to each other.

"Guards, take her away to the dungeon."

Some men came in and grabbed Y/N harshly. They took her away, but before that... she looked back at him.

"You are not worthy of friendship."

With that, she. was taken away, to the place that is just like hell itself.

One month later...

Y/N just looked at the emptiness of her cell. She looked pale like she hasn't eaten nor drink anything. Her body was sore, not being able to move her body too much.

My Guardian Demon • P.JM FF •  ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن