I coughed as my head was finally pulled out of the bucket of water.

"You monster." I hissed at the demon. "He deserved what she did to him!" And at that comment back into the water. The man, the one at that bar, the one that got its neck snapped and rib broken, was this woman's fucking lover, Amata hurt him so now she is getting vengeance on us... Nasty lover she had.

This 'holding your head underwater until you just start drowning before pulling you up and starting again' was the least worst thing she thought off doing, she wanted a long and painful life before she planned on killing us, the worst I got is being suspended over a flowing river of lava and the heat burning my back, Aura the worst she got was having a demon hound freed in the cage and losing her pinkie finger on her left hand alongside quite a bit of blood from the bite and claw marks, she didn't let us die though, she wanted us to suffer.

I could just hope we'd be rescued soon.

Amata's pov:

'You are truly reckless.'

'Aren't I always Invisus? I always am for my friends and the people I love.'

'Don't come crying to me when you die.'

"Are you sure about this Amata?" Fortis asked, he normally fought with his fist but this time had a dagger at his side while I had bow and daggers, I had left my bag with Lapis and just had my weapons on me, I even left my jacket because of it being a bit to restricting alongside the bandages under my T-shirt, the dragons were also ordered to remain here, Lapis would look after them while we are gone.

"Yes, we cannot put this off longer, who knows what happened to them since we last saw them? They might be on their death bed for all we know. I was hurt yeah but that doesn't matter here."

"... Alright I trust you but." He put his hand on my shoulder and held it tightly with a smirk. "Don't you dare dying asshole." I smirked back at him with a chuckle.

"Don't you dare either bastard." I sighed. 'Okay Invisus how do I get into the shadow realm?'

'You walk into a shadow, as if it was a doorway.'

"Ready?" I held my hand out the Fortis and he gripped it tightly with a short and fast nod, I held on just as hard and took a deep breath facing the shadows created by the little cabin of Lapis, I felt my demon powers awaken and I saw the changes with my own eyes. I slowly held out my hand and it was like disappearing in mid-air when passing from light to the shadows, I could still feel it but it wasn't there.

"Remember Fortis, all you need to do is think constantly about not letting go of my hand I'll take care of the rest."


With another deep breath, I pulled us in. Instantly the atmosphere was different, no wind, no sound, no nothing. what wasn't black because of it being a shadow was a bright purple with not shade, depth and normality, just flat colors.

A sudden feeling of apathy, loneliness and despair settled on me, like nothing mattered, that what I did had no purpose, what purpose would be travelling this realm bring me? Why did I step in here already? I... I can't remember... Looking around, all was so empty, lifeless, what is even this place? I don't care... Nothing matters... What reason do I have for stepping out? I don't know... Who is this shadow holding my hand? It doesn't matter... Nothing does... I think he is Fortis? I don't really care, what could have been his reason to hold my hand? No clue... vengeance... Vengeance is all that gives this nothingness purpose... But vengeance for what? Vengeance against a shadow man... But why? Why vengeance towards a shadow man? He hurt people, do I know them? Why do I want vengeance for them? I couldn't care less... I must find him... I must have vengeance to escape this emptiness... Why is the shadow man holding my hand? Does he want vengeance on the shadow man like me? Why? Why would he? I can't be bothered.

A forest, this is where the shadow man went? Out this shadow? Is it worth leaving this realm for vengeance? I don't know... Should I? Vengeance fills the emptiness.

I gasped as I fell over and out the shadow realm with Fortis yanked out behind me, I coughed my lungs out as it felt like it was the first time in a while that I had taken a breath, Fortis doing the same.

'YOU IDIOT!!! I told you to keep in mind your reason for entering the shadow realm!! You almost got lost in it!!' Invisus yelled at me from inside my head.

"That was scary." I whispered out loud, feeling so apathetic is scary, all I was was a bunch of uncaring flesh, not even a person, nothing but emptiness and despair making up who I was with a pull to look for vengeance, this is what the shadow people live all the time? Scary...

"You can say that again I got goose bumps." Fortis said as we stood up and stared at the tree we came out by, I let myself return to normal as we looked at each other and entered the forest.

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