"That still means she could die in her injuries, if they think they killed her they must be severe."

"I know and that makes me worried... You'll know if she lives or not if I fall over stiff dead." I joked.

"It's not funny Custos."

"I know... I know." I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, please be fine Amata...

Amata's pov:

My eyes felt like they were sown shut and I needed to rip the stitches to open them, even with my eyes open I couldn't really see, my eyesight a blurry mess of dull colors melting into each other. Blinking several times cleared up the mess, looking left to right I noticed I was in like a small cabin, right next to the fireplace, feeling a soft heat on my left side of my face.
My torso was screaming with pain as a cough raked through me. I heard a door open but was too weak to look over.

"Good to see you're alive." I recognized the male voice but from where already? "Go back to sleep for a while." I didn't protest, closing my heavy eyes again.


I opened them in my little mindscape, it changed from last time, the stone road leading to the temple was not only outlines but showed its true colors and forms without me needing to touch it to do that. I remember who that voice was, oh god it's Fortis, I'm happy to know he is alright... And that I'm alive.

I headed down and what I feared arrived, the was a blue line, a red line, a green line... And a black line... Another power is free... Another chain is broken... I entered the doom and as thought the chain of the demon had snapped.

Let's review, before this two chains each holding one of her legs to the ground, holding her by her ankles, two chains with one around each wrist and holding her arms out, that was what it was as before the chain snapped... Now one of her hands was free.

"Ah this feels great~."Her voice was as smooth as ever as she rolled the shoulder, moved her arm around and flexed her hand, finally able to do so after oh so long.

"Lucky you." I said sarcastically. "Now tell me how did that happened?"

"So bossy, I'm close to being free Amata, you won't be bossing me around after that~." She laughed. "Soon I will be able to go and reign chaos on the world."

"But for now I AM the boss of this place." She stared at me and smirked.

"There is so many demon sorts, you could have obtained such different powers depending on how you gained it and with which demon. This was a summoning demon, a shadow man, lost souls stuck on land without passing on because of a grudge, such souls can be called upon and used for your own biding, they are made of shadows."

"I couldn't touch him but he could."

"He could call upon his lost body to manifest within the shadows."


"He can have periods of solidity because he once had a body but not solid all the time."

"So what does my powers have to do with the shadow people?"

"As you were almost killed by one of them your soul would have joined their ranks of wandering vengeful souls waiting for a master to summon them but since you lived it became your power, you can fade away into the shadow realm and move between the shadows to exit it."

"A shadow realm?"

"The world between death and live, the realm where the shadow people live, everything in there is different, forms have no shade, all black, all lifeless, you need to never stray from your goal, your reason to step into the shadow realm, if you lose sight of that reason you'll be lost in the world and doomed to become one of the shadow people, to keep the reason in mind is hard, in that world only despair and vengeance exist nothing else, you won't feel hungry, sad, pain, happy, tired, nothing, nothing will mater and nothing will be worth your time... Certain other demons can enter and travel through the shadow realm, they call it shadow jumping."

"So it's like a travelling ability."

"Yes but a dangerous one, the more time someone spends in that world to more likely is for them to remain in that world and the fact you almost became one dying might make it even more appealing to you."

"Can shadow people do more?"

"Our world's shadows listen to their commands, like a dog listens to its master, it is what the shadow man attacked with and looked like smoke."

"Will I be able to do that?"

"You almost joined their ranks, yes... Yes, you can."

"Will I be able to hurt him?"

"A shadow person, despite being present in our world will always have a shadow body in the shadow realm so you could hurt him there or in our world with the shadow magic."

"This is my mind so I can also train here not only control how it all looks right?"


"Help me train with the shadows, I cannot risk shadow jumping while I'm not in my body."

"Wise move, let's get to it, I want to kick some shadow man ass."

"For once we are on the same page again."

"It won't last long so enjoy while it lasts."

"I will... I will." And so started my training until I was to wake up and have a few of my questions answered such as where am I? How long was I out? Does Fortis know of something I don't? And similar questions but as said they'll need to wait... Just you wait shadow man... I'm coming for my girl and friend... You are going to die for what you've done... I promise...

.The Child Of A Goddess.Where stories live. Discover now