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"The entire city is closed off and heavily guarded," Ryner is explaining to the team of saviors, "but there is one entrance that we could manage to get you into."

The holographic screen in the center of their small circle was showing a diagram of the tallest building in the city. It was the headquarters for the Galra overtakers, and they knew that if Lubos was still alive he would be in there.

They had taken a once over of the land after Ryner showed them all how their mech suits were made. Only Pidge had been able to successfully create her own, the rest of the paladins not having a 'strong enough bond' with nature. Trip had just denied even trying it.

She didn't have a bond with nature, just a mutual understanding with it. Take no more than needed. And she didn't need a mech suit to get around an occupied city. So she happily hitched a ride in the back of Ryner's with Shiro and Keith while Pidge loaded up the rest of the paladins.

The once great city was now a hollow shell of its people. Filled with contentious enemies using what Olkarians they enslaved to build something. That much was clear from the video surveillance that Ryner showed them, and according to her, it was a weapon of some kind. A dangerous one. Anything created by the Olkarians for battle use was no doubt dangerous. Catastrophically so.

"There's a small opening on the top of the building," Ryner zooms in on the holographic diagram of their target, "it falls into an open courtyard inside."

She was speaking to everyone in Pidge's suit much like how they did in the lions. Only instead of helmets, it was basically an open intercom. Multiple voices could come through at once, and Trip almost missed the privilege of being able to take off her helmet for a moment of peace. There was no off switch in the suits, and she couldn't focus on their surroundings with so much talking.

"That's a long drop," Keith says out loud to no one in particular.

If it was as far down as Trip thought it was, then he's right. There's the possibility of them all breaking at least one long when they land unless they do it properly. Even she would have to overly aware of her leg placement.

"Maybe too long of a drop," she adds to his observation, "there's no other way in?"

Ryner grimly shakes her head, "I'm afraid not. But if you can all manage to make it in through there, you'll have access to the entire building. Security, prisoners, maybe even their plans for that cube."

Crossing her arms, Trip doesn't verbally reply.

"Our biggest problem is getting you there undetected," Ryner says.

Shiro shakes his head, "no problem for us," he says, "regroup at the base. We have to form a plan before running in."

Even though she wasn't technically the leader, Trip's mind still raced with every possible situation they could be walking themselves into

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Even though she wasn't technically the leader, Trip's mind still raced with every possible situation they could be walking themselves into. She tried to stop it since she was only a soldier here; meant to follow orders and not give them.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now