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A real shower. With proper soap, and hair brushed to the point she could run her fingers through it. Never did she think she would see these things again let alone experience them.

She stepped out of the bathroom, steam rolling out behind her, wrapped in a towel and feeling like she had on new skin. Her markings gone, her scars on display in the mirror.

The ship had taken off while she was in the shower. She knew because a few red lights had flashed and the ground shook violently. But she had continued on and had gone unharmed. She looked around the room she would be staying in, seeing her clothes laying on her bed aligned perfectly clean and ironed. Even the cape was now back to its natural clean red.

Allura must have taken it upon herself to clean them while she was showering. It irritated her, despite the good intentions. She hated people in her personal space no matter the reason.

Shaking her head in irritation, she slides on her freshly cleaned clothes. Though, her shoes were missing from the bunch. Had she just forgotten to give them back?

The red cape was left on her bed unhooked to her uniform. She wasn't on Olympia, she didn't need the bright color to recognize her as the leader. Because here she isn't the leader and she would respect that.

There was a knock on her door as she was adjusting the thick leather armor that wrapped around her arms.

"Yes?" She calls, eyeing the door in the mirror when it opened. Upon realizing it was Shiro, she focused back on adjusting her armor.

"Hello, commander," He says politely, "dinner's ready if you'd like to join us."

She doesn't look at him when she speaks, "thank you, Shiro."

"You're welcome," he begins to turn away, eyes wondering what she was doing with the straps on her arm. He realized it was armor and felt the need to say something, "commander."


"If you don't mind me saying, there's no need for so much armor here." he motions to what she was doing, "we've never had Galra manage to get on board the ship while we're flying."

Trip looked at him through the mirror finally, examining him carefully. He was obviously military trained. Whether it be by being in some kind of battle or growing up a military brat. He stood tall, shoulders back, and his feet were positioned to run at any moment. And he was no longer in his paladin uniform. He was now in a black t-shirt and a pair of long pants. She could see that one of his arms was not originally part of him. It was dark and made of metal, though it seemed to function as if it was made of his own flesh.

"Tell me." She says while reaching for her other piece of arm armor, "how long have you been fighting this war?"

He was obviously surprised by her question but humored her at first, "Well...I was taken prisoner by the Galra for a year. So I guess a year and a few months now."

She nods solemnly, "I've been in this since I was six," she says simply, "commander since I was 16. The day you've been fighting for as long as I have is the day you can tell me protection is never necessary."

She didn't sound rude about it. But she sounded matter-of-fact. Because she was right. She had been at war her entire life and she knew how bad it truly was. So he took no offense to her words and instead understood them.

"You make a good point," He says and nods his head, "may I walk you to dinner?"

She nods her head, "please do. I would get lost."

He smiles. It was the first non-serious thing she had said since they had met almost six hours ago. She pulls the last strap into place and turns to face him.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now