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Mentions of blood and typical stuff in this book. My reward for finishing a page of my essay is writing a chapter for this.

There was a 20-minute window until Zarkon's ship would turn on emergency power and they would fix whatever damage had been caused to the system

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There was a 20-minute window until Zarkon's ship would turn on emergency power and they would fix whatever damage had been caused to the system. 20 minutes for Voltron to get their job done, and 20 minutes for the Olympians to get theirs.

As soon as the lions disappeared into the wormhole, Trip took in a sharp breath. She gave the next order to the army waiting for the command.

"Frecha se op," (light it up) she orders to the masses. Their next step was one they would all enjoy. Destroy the remaining fleet ships. Take out as many as they could in their time window. Even if they couldn't take down all of them, the Olympians could make one hell of a dent in their defenses.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Haylie asks excitedly from behind Trip.

"Esmerelda," Trip calls back with her hands itching to know where to go next, "Te sounes pask secut." (the youngest chooses first).

You would've thought Trip had just handed her yet another brand-new weapon. In the reflection of the large front window, her eyes lit up and she started looking around outside. In the excitement, Trip saw her a little differently. Her yellow eyes were twinkling like a child. A 16-year-old girl. Making the best of what she had been born into. Finding joy where other people found misery.

It's probably what many people saw in Trip still.

She hoped the day was near when they could be the people they wanted to be and not who they had to be.

Esmerelda nods, "Bon sian secut? Te Relnet?" (see that one? The big one) she says.

The ship she was mentioning was indeed larger. That meant it was housing an important squad. Probably a higher-ranking member of their army. Not a general. They were off with their own fleets conquering planets. But it would be someone who would put up a fight and make things fun.

Trip nods, turning the ship in the direction of its new target. Haylie chirps happily, clapping her hands.

"Erwun!" (finally) She says with a hop in her step, "a vani moran!" (a good fight!)

Overtaking fleet ships were good for squads who were good in the air. A squad that could work without any errors in their communications or teamwork. But they weren't that far along yet. They had more training with ground fighting than in the air, and Trip knew to work with their strengths before testing their weaknesses.

"Ceil bu kwanine, Haylie. Cou venst ine kimon." (Don't get too excited, Haylie. You could be rusty) the smirk on her face told the others it was only a joke. Of course, it was. Haylie knew that without so much as looking over her shoulder.

"Nak sian a gaunte?" (is that a challenge) Haylie asks wth mischief in her voice.

"O'aut," (of course) says Trip as she slows the ship and steps away from the control panel. Her sword was still comfortably on her back, and her mask was still on, "Jutare 11, wek bu te phoul ici monst te secut erilen ka Olympia." (squad 11, whoever gets the least kills buys the first round back home)

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