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Her hair was too long. Way too long.

It had taken her the better half of an hour to twist the strands into a braid that dragged past her waist and kept the heat off of her neck. By the time she tied the end, it was time for dinner. She strapped her sword to her back just before exiting, debating for a moment on leaving it behind. It strained her body to drag it everywhere, now.

Then she remembers the consequences of not having a weapon if an attack was thrown at them. She couldn't do much with it, but it was better than being a sitting target.

By the time she reached the dining hall, the others had already entered and took their seats. Among them were many people that she didn't recognize. The Puig leaders, the most recent planet to be freed from Galran clutches. When she opened the door, all of their eyes were on her. She could feel them burning, but she pretended as if it didn't bother her.

"Commander," says Allura with a smile, "thank you so much for joining us."

She gives the princess a tight smile while her eyes take note of everything in the room. The only seat left was the one between Lance and Keith, which she assumes was done on purpose given the grin that Lance was sending her way. She pretends she doesn't see it as she slides into the chair.

"The commander of the Olympians," says a man from across the table, "it's an honor to meet you!"

Trip nods in his direction. Her mind had decided to treat this as a formal meeting in order to get herself through it. A war meeting. All she had to do was survive until Kolivan brought up the gathered information on other rebel groups.

"Congratulations on running off the empire from Puig," she says honestly, "it was an earned victory."

Another man speaks up to join in their conversation, "We couldn't have done it without the help of the paladins."

Hunk and Lance had given her the rundown of just about every mission while she was in the mountain. She knew that they had been working with The Blade to free planets. She also noted that Kolivan wasn't speaking out to mention their presence in the mission. She also knew why they weren't mentioning them

Galra were universally hated. Especially since The Blade wasn't widely known as a rebel group. Because they were all assumed to work for the empire.

"And The Blade," Trip says carefully, her tone leaving no room for argument, "they played a big part from what I heard."

Silence greeted her, but she didn't back down by changing the subject. They had helped free multiple planets of innocent people from Galra rule. It wasn't right for them to be discounted on account of their heritage. Nobody chose who they were born as, they could only choose who they become in the end. The Blade were all trustworthy and loyal to the people of the galaxy. Not to Zarkon.

"Thank you, commander," Kolivan says to break the silence.

The doors to the kitchen spring open, and out comes a rolling robot with a plate on top of it. A steaming pile of unfamiliar food was trailed by Hunk, who had a prideful smile on his face as he began to pass out plates to everyone waiting.

"I've prepared some Earth cuisines today for our guests," he says with a wave of his arms towards the plate that was waiting to be served. It smelled terrific and Trip wondered if all Earth food smelled so delicious. Maybe, when the war ended, she would wander over to where she was supposed to grow up and try all of it.

"It's delightful, I'm sure!"

The plates are passed down the line. When the plate passes over her, the steam rises to her nose. Her lungs burn at the sudden change in temperature and she stills her breathing in hopes of keeping it internal.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now