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Holy shit guys I'm sorry this is like 6000 words long. As you can see, I have no idea when to stop. 

"Trip, you can't bring a baby into a bar!" Keith shouts when he catches a glimpse of what was inside through the window

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"Trip, you can't bring a baby into a bar!" Keith shouts when he catches a glimpse of what was inside through the window.

She was already pushing the rickety door open with a foot when she tilted her head, "why not?"

Keith looks at her with wide eyes, like she was admitting she was clinically insane to his face. He motions to Ella, who was oblivious to the environment she was about to be dragged into. And apparently, Trip was just as oblivious to why a 4-month-old shouldn't be exposed to alcohol and drunks.

"Because she's a baby!" he throws his hands in the air as if that answer was obvious.

She scoffs, "I've been hanging out in here since I got here," she says and pushes the door open all the way.

For a second, he debates on trying to find his way back to the hut and just sitting on the ground there until she decides to come back. But he decides against it, and has no choice but to follow her inside, not wanting to be left in the middle of the street with no idea where he was. He groans, stomping through the door before it closes behind her.

The bar hadn't changed in 10 years. It was the same furniture that was being held together with strings and nails, the same smell of mint and rum, and loud. Filled with soldiers who had just gotten off their rounds, sharing drinks and swapping stories with friends. Trip walks in, already knowing where she wanted to sit.

The noise died down when everyone started to notice her appearance, and it stopped completely when they realized who her company was. Keith tensed, stopping as soon as he felt all eyes turn to them. Every set was rough-looking and pointed, like they'd just interrupted a party that they weren't invited to.

Both of them freeze in the doorway, letting it swing closed behind them. The wood creaks with every movement, and it was incredibly loud now that everyone had fallen silent.

Trip had expected some kind of reaction from her reappearance in everyday life. She hadn't been able to set foot in the bar for fun in two years, not even during the Night of The Alliance. She'd been wrapped up in commander duties since that cape touched her back.

Keeping a straight face, she looks back at every single person who was staring at her and the company she decided to keep. Even if her arms tightened on Ella, she didn't let any of them know that their deep stares sent a nervous chill up her spine.

Keith whispers to her side, "this is a bad idea, Trip."

She wonders if he's right when a chair scrapes back loudly, stopping the silence. Someone had stood up in the back. A woman, taller than Trip but shorter than some of the other women on second line. That's what the brand on her armor told Trip she was in. She recognized her as Esmerelda, someone she'd trained with as a kid.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now