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"Thank god for Olympians!" Hunk declares in relief as Trip watches a scouting ship take down two fleet ships that were pummeling the yellow lion with their guns, "You're always right on time!"

The ship jerks as they take a sharp turn to dodge an enemy blast. Scout ships were much quicker than battleships, they were meant to be. Trip missed her time on these, though it was brief. It made the sharp turns less rough on the standing person. She looks around the battlefield through the windows.

"Just barely," she chuckles, "sorry it's not more. It's all we had stationed nearby," she watches the fleets zone in on Keith, the black lion, "bwen te jase lion, do shicron jen iogen bilaik." (cover the Black Lion, they're grouping and easy targets).

The ship makes a turn, blasters focusing on her instructed target. Trip shifts her weight to keep up with the quick changes in direction, trying not to topple onto the ground.

"Trip?" Keith's voice speaks her name out of breath and with a clear struggle, "Are you in one of these ships?!"

For a moment, she felt a twinge of guilt at going against their deal, but she shoved it aside, "A lot happened in a little amount of time, but now you have backup."

"I told you I wanted–" He grunts as a fleet ship uses itself as a battering ram against his side. Trip glances around their situation. Olympians were sticking to the outskirts and fleet ships, as she'd told them, but the biggest ship still had its eyes on the lions, aiming its cannons at any of them that happened to get near enough.

"Argue with me after this!" Trip scoffs.

"Yeah! We need a plan!" Pidge announces into the coms.

In Trip's other ear, the voices of her Olympians are barking locations, and now their falls, "Jutare 0083 spichen," (squad 0083 down) one side of her head is saying, "stelt puap," (attempting takeover).

And so it began. Her eyes went from ship to ship that called out their immobile unit, and she waited each time to hear if they had a successful takeover.

Meanwhile, her other ear was full of nothing but arguments amongst the paladins.

"We have to attack the main ship!" Keith demands, "That's the plan!"

"We need a specific plan!" Pidge snaps.

"We need more backup!" Hunk declares, still getting pushed around, now with Olympian ships trying to get the fleet off of him. But his following of Galra was nothing compared to Keith's, who was practically leading them in a circle as he tried to coast a lion twice the size of Red.

"I can help with some of that!" Lance's voice joined the coms for the first time since this fight began, and Trip felt a single knot coming undone in her chest. She looks over when a blast of light is followed by the sound of fleet ships imploding.

"Lion fengir!" (Lion incoming) A group of Olympian ships scrambled out of his way, calling out the new addition to the ones who hadn't seen it.

Lance had been accepted as the red paladin, it seemed, and it had happened quickly. Red was fast and had a hell of a strike with her tail, she could do some damage to this fleet. But Trip holds off on ordering her troops back. She had to make sure Voltron could handle juggling new lions and a new enemy at the same time.

"I see you needed some assistance!" Coran's voice was new, and Trip wondered why she couldn't see what he meant by that for a moment.

Until the captain of the ship she's on makes a spike downward, barely scraping them past another blast. Trip's legs waver, and she has to grab the arm of the engineer seat to stay upright but the slight bounce in her knees allows her to see through the lower window.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now