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"Strike first or be prepared to block!" Commander Litarra roared at Trip from the throne, "do not be unprepared! You will be dead before you blink!"

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"Strike first or be prepared to block!" Commander Litarra roared at Trip from the throne, "do not be unprepared! You will be dead before you blink!"

Trip swerved to the side as the large war hammer comes sailing down where she stood. She barely missed the spikes that crashed into the cement ground of Heda's hut. She was tired, almost exhausted. But Harron didn't care. Any chance to crush her was one he would take.

She brought her sword up from her side, slicing at his large hand grasping the hammer. The one she was about to hit moved just in time. She almost grazed his nail.

His hammer was heavy, making him slow. She had wondered for years why he chose such a heavy weapon. It was nice for a flashy fight but not practical for a serious fight. But she could never ask. He never stayed around long enough for her to.

Harron started to lift his hammer again, placing his hand back on the handle. But Trip moved quicker, wanting the fight to be over as soon as possible. She brought up her foot, slamming it down on his hands and the handle of the hammer. She didn't weigh much, but her force was enough to make him hiss.

She pointed her sword at his neck, a hair away from the skin.

She had won.

Not easily, but she did.

Harron glared up her with the flames of hell in his eyes. She looked away, not caring how angry he was with her. He was always angry with her. She was more concerned with the Heda and if she pleased him with her victory.

He didn't show it on his face, but that didn't mean anything. In her years on Olympia, Trip had learned that showing no emotion was part of the job. He didn't smile or frown, he didn't say he was proud of her or disappointed in her. You had to read him yourself if you wanted some kind of answer.

But Trip wasn't good at reading him in particular. Anyone else, sure. She could tell you their favorite color by how they hold up their head. Litarra wasn't an open book to anyone, even his second. He was a book padlocked closed with a key at the bottom of the lake no one dared to find.

He grunted at her, pushing himself up from his throne. As he approached her, she looked up at him. It was normally disrespectful to make direct eye contact with Heda. But a second has certain privileges no one else in the town has. He stares down at her with stone eyes. She wondered what he was thinking about her. She had come a long way since being left by Ulaz, but was it enough for him?

His red cape trailed him like a shadow. It was the brightest thing in the room, but it didn't catch Trip's attention. It may be his symbol of power, but it was only a piece of fabric. He held all the real power in how strong he was.

She wanted to be a Heda like him one day. So she aimed to please him. To make him proud of her progress. But she was only 14. And didn't even have half of the training Harron did, despite him being half human and bleeding the same as she did.

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