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Almost everyone who occupied the castle was standing in the command room. Exhaustion was seen around the front table that had extended fom the ground for them to use, but nobody had dared leave during such a high-stakes discussion.

Once Keith had fallen asleep in the pod, Shiro had come hunting her down. Allura and Kolivan had agreed to an alliance, but now they were on a deadline to come up with a plan to stop Zarkon. Kolivan, Allura, Shiro, and Trip were standing around the table, looking at the purple diagram that held their current plan.

It was complicated, far more complicated than any plan they had tried to execute before. On Olympia and with the paladins. There were a lot of moving parts and very little room for error on any of them. It had taken them almost four hours, working with what the blade already had decided, and what they could use now that there was an alliance between everyone here.

Snoring from the other side of the room had been going pretty steadily, coming from Hunk who was out cold in his chair. Trip envied him. She was exhausted, she couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten a full night's rest.

Probably back on Olympia. She didn't sleep well in places she didn't consider her home.

The snoring comes to a stop, and the soft chatter of the table comes to a stop. The leaders all turn to see what had ceased the noise. Hunk's eyes were opening.

"I'm up," he mumbles, "what did I miss?"

Lance snickers from his spot a few steps away from the table, "oh nothing big," he says and shrugs, "we just have a plan to go against Zarkon."

Hunk squints, tilting his head, "i was out for ten minutes..."

Trip leans against her forearms on the table, her knuckles pressing to the surface to crack them, "you slept for three hours," she informs him.

He gives a sheepish smile, "oh."

All eyes drifted back to the diagram that had been put together through collective arguing and talking. Nobody spoke, taking in everything that they had ahead of them if they were going to get this to work. Trip bites her lip, wondering how insane they were for thinking this would work. But...if it did work, then her promise would be kept to her people.

They would follow her into battle without a doubt, she just had to be confident enough in the plan to lead them there. But this plan...this could work.

"I think we have something, here," says Shiro, crossing his arms and looking over at Kolivan who stood next to him, "if we can get everything we need to pull this off then..."

"Zarkon's reign is over," Kolivan nods, his white braid moving across his shoulders. He looks away from Shiro and towards Trip, who was still staring at the plan trying to find holes in it. She only looks up when he speaks to her.

"Heda," he says.

Trip looks up to meet his eyes, and she waits for him to continue his statement.

"Will your army be joining us? We need every weapon we can get for this fight." His face doesn't move to show any emotion.

Trip's memory was foggy, but she didn't remember Ulaz being so stoic. Maybe it was because she was a child, but he had been very gentle with her and showed what he felt on his face. It must not be a genetic thing, because Keith also shows when he's angry and annoyed. Kolivan was just the odd one out, she guessed. Or maybe he was just trained not to show emotion outwardly, the same way she had.

She hums in agreement, "of course they will," she assures him, "we made an alliance with Voltron to be with them when it came time to fight Zarkon."

"Then this fight is as good as ours," he nods approvingly at her promise and Trip looks back towards the plan drawn out in front of them. It was promising, but she dared not even think of getting her hopes up.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now