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Trip sat on the throne, her sword resting against the side, and Harron standing on her other side. Two people were in front of them.

Esmerelda's face was blank and unwavering as she waited to be addressed, hands folded behind her back. She was as still as stone, and very calm for being called in with no other information. Beside her was Naeax, who was standing in the same position and yet it was clear he was nervous. It probably didn't help that Trip hadn't spoken in the few minutes they'd been standing.

She was thinking over her decision one last time. The call with Keith had ended very abruptly, and without her telling him who she'd chosen for both positions. Which was fine by her, she didn't think anyone was going to be very accepting of her choices. Haylie hadn't even looked at her before leaving the hut.

Figuring she'd left everyone in suspense for long enough, Trip breaks her silence with a heavy sigh.

"Kane kcle a keinch," (I have a proposition) she offers to the air. No one moves. She wonders if Esmerelda is holding her breath or if she's naturally that still, "Kane jenta je oush jou welit ka kane jutare." (I am looking to fill two position on my squad)

Naeax looked horrified but he said nothing.

"Esmerdela," Trip says and leans forward, leaning on her knees with her injured arm aching. She keeps a straight face, "Kane keinch a welit je cou. Pane lo sain co cou felk, se shall ine ka te secut tuc." (I offer a place to you. Just know that, if you accept, it will be in the front of every battle, directly beside Voltron."

If she was shocked by the offer, her face didn't show it. But Trip could see a quiver in her shoulders for the first time since entering. At least she stopped holding her breath. Trip turns her attention to Naeax again, who still looked mortified. He probably thought the second spot was being offered to him, someone who had never seen battle before.

"Kane kelt je keinch te jou je Braut." (I want to extend the second spot to Braut), she says, and he visibly relaxes upon realizing it wasn't him, "Dune kane lo bin rastin kelk je bon kane, et cou haleo kane keinch je kup jen te welit en kin sian ron merot se." (but I figured the last person he wants to see is me, so you explain my offer and the place in battle that comes with it.)

No one responds. A needle could be heard hitting the dirt floors. Even Harron's breathing was slowed and near silent.

Trip waves a hand in the air, "Kane loash a bab seuba sulat jen li alein. Ci kcle li uel je venden. Avair." (I need an answer from both by tonight and no later, we can't afford to waste any time. Dismissed.)

Naeax gives a stiff salute towards, hands pinned to his sides like they were glued there. He was turning away from her before Esmerelda even had time to move her arms from her body. Trip leaned back in her chair, prepared to watch them walk away and waste a day wondering if she should be looking for other squad members.

Truthfully, she didn't have a backup if either of them denied. There wasn't time for backup plans. If all else failed, she would put Haylie and Harron into side squads and go alone with Voltron. Even if it felt wrong to separate them.

"Kane felk cou keinch, Heda." (I accept your proposal, commander,) Esmerelda said as soon as Naeax was halfway to the exit.

Even he stopped to look at her like she was crazy for giving the matter no thought. Trip raised an eyebrow, cracking her knuckles as she thought about how quickly she'd given an answer. She'd been expecting a little time between the offer and the answer.

So she tilts her head, "li jathako?" (no thought?) she questions, "Kane va ce shall ine te yeshlev tuc o nomil je Zarkon, jen onga Voltron." (I said we'll be in the direct line of sight to Zarkon himself, and beside Voltron.)

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