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One more stranger had come into the Heda's hut. They had all migrated from the throne room into a small room off the side of it. It was where Trip and her general's gathered to discuss plans of attack and defense. But today it was in use to discuss an alliance. Trip sat at the end, listening to everyone explain to her what had been going on in the universe where they had no eyes and ears.

Princess Allura, the one more stranger, who Trip so far had mixed feelings about, was discussing a plan with the Olympians as allies.

"We will go against Zarkon." She explains, "and when we do, we would like your help and support."

Harron looks at Trip with an unreadable expression.

"Kane ceil lo, Heda." (I don't know, commander) he says, "pliy von ci lo mon racon?" (how do we know they'll win).

She lifts a hand to tell him to be quiet. He made a good point. Voltron has been nowhere for 10,000 years, and suddenly they're good enough to fight Zarkon himself?

"And you know you'll win?" She asks suddenly, "there is no doubt, for a second, that you may lose?"

Her voice taunted the paladins. There was doubt in all of their minds that they would lose. Even in Allura's, she knew that the paladins were by no means the perfect Voltron. But she knew that they could be. If they were given the chance.

Everyone's hesitation spoke enough for her, "I can't put the fate of my people into the hands of people who aren't 100% sure they can win."

"We can win." Says Pidge. It was the first time she had spoken to the leader directly, "maybe not now but we will win."

"You know that. But how do I know that?" She asks this calmly. Not to taunt or make them angry but to try and get a real answer, "you proved Voltron is real but can you prove that you really are capable of ending this?"

"We can show you." Allura insists, "Come with us to see what Voltron can do."

She was extending an offer to come with them to the castle. She knew they would be one of their biggest allies in this fight, but only if they could prove that there was hope of them winning it.

Trip opened her mouth to decline instantly when Harron spoke again.

"von se." (Do it) he says as if it was that simple. She ignores him completely this time.

"I have people here," She says, "I can't drop everything because you asked nicely," Her eyes narrowed at the thought. Olympia would fall apart if she weren't there. Their violent natures wouldn't have a buffer and all her work would be wasted.

Allura insists, "it would be for a few days. Just to prove to you that Voltron can be the end of this war," No one on team Voltron went against this proposal. After all, they needed this alliance to have an upper hand against Zarkon.

"Kane meuq puin zan o fedan." (I can take care of things) Harron tried to persuade her to go as well, though she didn't know why he was suddenly so on board with this, "bu te guapano." (get the information). She didn't look at him as he spoke.

There was only one other person she trusted more than Harron, and it was the person who trusted him enough to marry him. So she took in his words and allowed herself to let him make this decision for her.

"Alright," she says to the princess, "I'll come. A few days, and then I'll decide if you have your alliance."

"Wonderful!" Allura says, "You'll see how powerful Voltron is!"

Trip then stands, her second following her as she leaves the room. The paladins were left there, an argument amongst themselves breaking out.

As Trip exited the room, she allowed Harron to follow her to her private dwellings. And without the door even closed, she used about half of her strength to whack her hand across the side of his head. Not enough to cause damage but to get across that was irritated with him.

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