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For six days she didn't move from the corner. After two, the body began to smell. One more it started to bloat. Trip wasn't aware of how long it had been. She stopped counting the days.

Her tears ran dry and at one point she dry heaved herself into sleep. But her position never changed. With her legs curled into her chest and her head in her knees, her joints were so stiff she probably wouldn't be able to move if she ever got out of there.

Still, when Haggar returned to ask her questions about Voltron, she remained silent. She may have lost her home but no one else had to lose theirs. So she was still every time the door opened every sharp word meant to hurt. But nothing hurt more than looking up and seeing Hailey on the ground still.

Haggar had to figure out this wasn't going to make her talk. Or maybe she just wanted to see when her sanity would finally break. It was being held together by a thread now, and it kept stretching and stretching every time she looked up. It could snap any second. And what was worse was that she didn't care. She didn't care what they did to her, she didn't care that she was a ticking time bomb or who got hurt when she finally went off.

There was no one left that she cared about to hurt. No one to cover from the blow.

It was day six of living with Haylie's body. And no, she hadn't moved. If she felt pain anymore then she would know that her back hurt and her head had a never-ending ache.


The sound forces her to slam her head against the wall of the cell. The ship tilted from whatever hit it. She heard the body move slightly towards her. A choking sound left her mouth that sounded suspiciously like a cry for help. The cuts and wounds on her body itch like bug bites after being disturbed by the sudden movement.


She slowly lifted her head but stared straight forward. Just enough to listen closely to whatever was attacking. It was close to the cells. Maybe a wing over where the 'persecution room' was. There was no doubt that Haggar was already sending her lackeys to the deal with whatever it was.

"-ander....cells...quick," She could hear someone outside in the wall. Probably a guard coming to ask more questions. Or just to see how insane was going. Haggar probably wanted to be told when she broke.

There was loud pounding following the voice. Still, she didn't move. No matter how sure she was that she was about to be dragged back to the room to be torn apart. She pressed her head back to her knees and hoped it lasted a while. She wanted to be out of that room for as long as possible.

Just as her forehead touched her knees, the crashing reached her door. It shocked her back up and she snapped her eyes to it. That wasn't how guards open prison doors. So it couldn't be a guard.

The door was now dented towards her, about to break if someone blew on it. And someone did from the other side. It came crashing down like a lone domino, falling to the floor with a heavy tremor in the floor. Her eyes squinted in pain at the sudden light.

"I've got the commander, regroup at the lions," the voice was familiar, but her fogged and bruised mind couldn't process it. The figure stepped into the cell, blocking the light and giving her a better view of who was pulling her from the fire, "commander we have to be fast, can you walk?"

The red paladin stood in the doorway, sword in one hand and a white mask for oxygen in the other. He was looking down at her, at first in persistence. She watched it turn to confusion when she didn't move from the ground. Where was he going to take her? The castle? Home?

As far as she was concerned she had nowhere to go back to. No reason to leave.

"Commander we have to go now! Haggar is gone but her guards are still here!"

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz