chapter 59: hanging out with jigglypuff and mega man

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Jigglypuff and I went into her room, just as she was about to close her door mega man went straight in like a lightning bolt.

it shocked me and Jigglypuff. I said "mega man? what are you doing here?" he said "so I can get away from the fight that is going on downstairs"

jigglypuff said, "so what do you want to do when the fight is over?" I was thinking to go somewhere, but again I already went out this morning.

mega man said, "how about we play a board game?" Jigglypuff said "what kind of board game?"

"maybe monopoly?" said mega man. "what's monopoly?" I said. "oh I hate that game," said Jigglypuff. "what's wrong with monopoly Jigglypuff? it's a really good game" said, mega man.

"it's so boring, pick another one," said Jigglypuff. "how about......UNO?" said, mega man. I never played UNO before, I really want to play it. jigglypuff said "too hard for Kirby, he might lose for sure"

"what about twister?" said mega man. "I also hate that game because my legs are not long," said Jigglypuff. "how about connect 4?" said mega man. "no thank you," said Jigglypuff. I got an idea for a game we can play. but  Mega man said "we can play racist countries" my mouth dropped, Jigglypuff did too.

 we stared at mega man for a few seconds until he was "what? that is real. my parents played it. they are racist to Germans" oh my god, that is so mean.

 mega man's parents are racist to Germans. I heard in meta knight story, he says his home country is Germany. and has a Russian accent and know lots of English.

mega man said "I'm sorry, my parents play that game almost every day. I hated that game. it just pops up in my head" Jigglypuff said "it's ok mega man, but don't ever mention it ever again. if you do, there will be a lot of fighting. racist is a bad thing you understand?" he nodded. I was already weird out. 

 7 minutes later 

me, mega man and Jigglypuff were playing blocks for the past 7 minutes. playing blocks is better than playing board games, right?

when we were done mega man said "look at that, we made a tower together" I check what time it is. it is 11:45 am. I stood up, I was about to leave when mega man said: "Hey Kirby, you are a great friend, can we be friends?" I nodded.

as I was walking down the hall I heard someone said "Kirby, get over here" I turned around. to my surprise it was Lucina.

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