chapter 42: the plan

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I ran inside my room.

I pull out paper from my drawer. I write the plan with a pencil, as I was writing down someone knock my door.

I said "come in" surprisedly it was joker (persona 5 version) Joker saw what I was doing, he said: "what are you writing there?" I replied "a plan" "what kind of plan?" "A friendship and romantic plan" his eyes lid up and smile.

"now that's fun, can I join you, with this plan please?" I nod, he sat down right next to me. We worked on the plan, I have to draw, while joker tells me what to do in the plan.

Joker said "so who are the two friend" I said "falco and fox" he laughed a little bit "now that's gay" I said "yup, its so true joker, Falco is gay with fox" we were almost done the plan, all we need to do is where will this takes place.

I ask "hey joker, is there a private place where no one sees them?" At first, he was thinking, then he got an idea, but his face turned thinking into worry.

He looks at me and said "there is a place" "where is it?" I said, he sighs "it's in Gotham city" "I been there before with meta knight" "but its has gates, no one can break them" "we have to think about it later" he nodded.

He explains the plan "so when you see Falco spray water on him and knock him out. For me I will find fox and do the same" "but what time?" "Maybe around 9:54 pm in the night" "so how many hours?" "The time is 8:54 am. Which means 18 hours" I was surprised 18 hours, that's a long time.

"So you understand the plan Kirby," said joker, "yup I understand" "good, well see ya later" he opened my door and left.

I am excited about the plan. But at the same time, I'm not. I was starting to get bored.

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