chapter 9 A fix and assembly

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I slowly eat my salad as tears run down my cheeks. This place is a nightmare! I check the reviews on a house site (on my phone). People are saying that 'this place is the best place in the world!" No shit!

And I didn't realize, these are Smashers who posted their review, not a single hate review. (Well, a long time ago, I was originally going to call them fighters).

I sigh and turned off my phone. I looked at the window, it's big like 3 feet wide and height. My old window was 2 feet wide and height.

I opened the window to get fresh air, I was thinking in my head I should jump out of the window to escape, but then again, there is a 99% chance that I might get killed. Look, just as how I hate this place, I am not going to jump off a window, I am not a dumbass.

Then, a knock came through the door. I opened it, Dr. Mario was there, he said, "Good-ah morning, kirby," he looks just like Mario.

But with a doctors suit on.

"Morning, Doctor, can I help you with anything?"

"Well, not really, I just want to give you a quick check-up."

"Why? Nothing is wrong with me,"

"Well, then ever there is a newcomer, I always check them to be healthy because years ago, a smasher named Princess-ah Peach once had a disease called-ah Syphilis.

She was in bad shape, so it took me weeks to get her better. She got it because she fucked man many times. So this will be a quick, dont cry after,"

"I won't," I mumbled.

He took out his doctor stuff and used all of them on me. After that, he said, "Kirby, I am quite-ah surprised, you're a healthy puffball!"

"Thanks, now, will you lea-" I was cut off my Master Hand through the speakers saying, "Attention everyone, there will be an assembly in about 10 minutes, I want all of you to come to Brawl, right this instance! Thank you!"

"Come-ah Kirby, Master Hand has an announcement for us! Ohhh I can't wait what it is!" Dr. Mario said as he took my hand and we ran to Brawl.

5 minutes later

We arrived, almost everyone is here. Dr. Mario let go of my hand and ran off to get a spot. I found a perfect spot on the seat row, the bottom one, the best place to be at.

I was about to sit on the bottom seat when Meta Knight took my spot. Shit! He noticed me and said, "Hey, Kid, come sit with me."

My mind was telling me no, so I ran off to find another seat. I denied his request again. As I walked the stairs, I was pulled in, Jigglypuff was the one who pulled me. I said, "Jigglypuff, thank goodness I found you!" As I hugged her.

"Why? Did something happened?"

"Why YES!! Smashers were calling me to sit with them at breakfast time, and I was so pissed off, I kicked a chair."

"Oh, it's ok, Kirby, I will keep you safe."

"Thanks, Jigglypuff, you are a true Guardian-Mother."

Just then, everyone cheered because Master Hand and Crazy Hand appeared. Master Hand said, "Good morning everyone," through the microphone.

"We got some news, we are going to have a ball within 3 days!" Said Crazy Hand. "And it's for K-"

"Shut up, Crazy, not yet!" Master Hand said as he knocked Crazy Hand out. "Anyways, second news, you'll all meet our newcomer, named Kirby!"

My eyes shot open in shock. I didn't want to go up there with The Hands. Master Hand pull out a star and threw it at me like a boomerang. I caught it and got on (I actually know how to use one since I never went to hoverboard school).

I fly over to Master Hand. "EVERYONE! MEET KIRBY!!" Master Hand yelled. Everyone cheered. Some are saying like 'Your awesome!' Or 'You will love Smash Bros'. SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!

Then, a flashback played in my head, tears run down my face. I didn't pay attention as I dropped the microphone.

Everyone gasped, Master Hand said, "Kirby? What the hell happened?" I didn't respond, as I fly out of Brawl.

Kirby: Welcome To Smash Bros (Story Movie) (Complete ✅)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz