chapter 29: to the house

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"So you're in?" My mind was full of robbery. I can't even think straight. Meta knight snaps his fingers to wake up my mind full.

 "Hey? You in or not" I didn't want to make him upset. So I choose to go with him.

 "yeah I'm in" he smiled and pat my head "that's a good kid, even if you're 12-year-old, you made a great choice. Now get what you need for the robbery" he put on his mask on and got his backpack from under his bed.

 I ask "why do you need a backpack?" "So we can put gold, money and a whole lot of shit. What are you waiting for? Go and Get what you need and meet me by the door" "what door?" "The Door where you first came out" "oh I get it" "now go" I left meta knight's room.

 I walked down the hall before I made it to my room. Falco came up to me "Kirby there you are, where were you?" "I was resting at meta knight's room" "oh, how did it go" "actually, it went very good" "remember yesterday where I want fox?" I remembered.

 "sorry Falco, meta knight and I are going on an adventure" Falco had a sad look "I'm sorry Falco" "it's ok, I can ask someone else, if that didn't work, I will need your help. See ya later Kirby and good luck at your adventure" I thanked him and he left.

 I went inside my room. I thought to myself 'shit what am I going to do? I'm going to rob a house with meta knight, Kirby just listen to his rules and it will be normalI took a breath and search in my backpack.

 Lucky I got my knife "this will be perfect" I said. I grabbed it and left my room. On my way to meta knight, Bowser Jr was there.

 I ask "what the hell do you want?" He didn't say anything "I said what the hell do you want?" He smiled "heh heh heh you going with meta knight" how does he know? "But how?" "Easy I was right on his door and heard everything. And I'm telling" I didn't know what to do, I saw a frying pan on the mini table I slowly grabbed it while Jr was not looking.

 "So what do you say-" "shut up bitch" I slap him with the frying pan, I hide his body under the mini table.

 I heard clapping, it was meta knight "my-my, Kirby you knock out someone, I'm proud of you" I kinda blush, he notices "Kirby? Are you blushing?" "What? Oh no no no I was not" he gave me a confused look. "Ok, let's go" we were outside I smell the air.

 "so meta knight" he looked at me "I got questions, one: how will we get to the house? Two: why bring me?" "First, I need some help in the robbery. Second, we will fly there" "but how are we going to fly-" his cape transform into bat wings.

 I ask "whoa, how did you do that?" He smiled "heh magic. C'mon climb on" I got on meta knight "so how fast can you go?" "Wait and see" he flaps his wings "nothing is happening, you're just flapping your wings-" meta knight flies up fast. I hold on to his back, he went in zig-zag. I didn't want to look down.

 "Kirby? You're alright?" "No" "don't worry we are at the city alright" I look up, I was amazed the city is beautiful. "Say meta knight?" He looked at me "what city is this?" "Gotham City, home to the insane crimes and criminals"

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