chapter 33: 3DS and a broken promise

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We stop at meta knight's window. I got off first and went through. He went through too, he went to his DVD set to find the movie, while I just sat on his bed.

 "Ah ha here we go," said meta knight. He pulled out the DVD. I was excited to see the movie.

 "So meta knight, how will we see the movie? You can't just stare at the DVD" "I have a TV and a DVD player" "but where is it?" "It's in the basement, I will go get it stay here" I nodded.

 He left His room. I was starting to get bored so I took out the 3DS and the games. I check the battery, it was 100%. I check the DS bag, I picked a game, it was called the sims 3.

 I put it on the 3DS, I press the start button and started to play. 20 minutes later I finished my house. I close the 3DS "meta knight should be here right now, I wonder if he needs help" I got up and went to find meta knight.

 I close his door, I walked down the hall "I should check the living room, maybe that where he is" I ran to the living room, I heard talking. I saw meta knight's TV, I decide to hide behind his TV.

 I peaked a little so I can see what is going on. I saw meta knight, sitting on the couch with Marth, Roy, ike and chrom.

 Roy said "meta knight, this is our big day, to perform the 5 swordmen, you can't miss it," meta knight said "I know, but I have a movie to watch with someone, and I can't break that promise" chrom said "who cares? You saw that movie so many times like 1000 times, stop watching movies and be a true warrior" meta knight said "alright, it will do it, just for you guys" they cheered.

 Chrom shacked meta knight's hand. I was starting to cry, I whisper to myself "I thought meta knight kept his promise" I ran upstairs, "what was that?" "Chrom who cares, maybe some kids are playing tag" they laughed, I still ran away, I was tearing up and crying.

 I went to his room to get my stuff and ran to my room. I lock my door, fall on my bed, put my face on my pillow and cry more.

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