chapter 26: real apologize

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I quickly woke up, I felt bandages on my head. I looked around I was in a different room, it was bigger than mine.

 I saw meta knight on the side of the wall. He was drinking milk 2 Go, with a straw (I use to love that drink, but it was gone in the store) he finished it and throw it in the garbage.

 He sat on the side of his bed. He covers his mask with his hands. "Oh my god, Jr. Why? Oh why fucking why?" I looked at him, I simply said "why did you save me?, you could of left me there to die" he looked at me, his eyes change to blue (I think it means sad)

 "its because I didn't want you to die, right there in the cafe where that fucking turtle tried to murder you, I couldn't stand there any longer, I just had to do it" I could tell he was upset.

 even he chased me but I forgive him I put my hand on his arm. He looked at me and gave me a smile.

 I ask "so what were you about to say before I was beaten up?" "I was about to say sorry" "sorry? Why sorry?" "You know chased you, stared at you, got angry at you, started a fight at dinner and more" I remember, what happened today and yesterday.

 "I'm so sorry Kirby, I just want you to be my best friend, I was lonely for so long that I can't fight it" he started to cry. I felt so sorry for him. All this time he wanted to be best friends with me.

 I lead my head to him, he notices. He wraps his arm around me. I ask "it's ok meta knight everyone makes mistakes, I will be your friend" he smiled "at first I thought you were one of those people who doesn't give a shit but for you. You were beautiful, sweet, nice, young and happy" I smiled at him.

 We sat on his bed for a few minutes. I thought 'man this is nice'

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