Crysti is very broad with her clothing, for example her coat is lime green! But, on the plus side she glows in the dark and is easy to find! I am completely jealous of Crysti though, she's been sure of her career path for so long. I however am boggled! That's why i took more than the average amount of A-levels, i love too many things! Art, History, Maths and Music and Arts! It's so hard choosing something to spend the rest of your life doing! What if you choose something boring? Something i loose passion for? Am i over complicating it? I like playing piano and guitar, but i'd never put myself in the spotlight musically so that's not an option! Sitting in the back doing my thing for the other singers is fine with me, i actually prefer it. 

Dancing is a different thing though, ballet and contemporary, i love it! I don't know what happens to me, when i'm dancing it's like i morph into an entire different human-being all together. No anxiety, no self consciousness, sweat doesn't bother me at all! and i really have fun with it! It's so very strange. I really should go to different exhibitions that specialize different subjects and see which one i like best, I have a lot of deciaions to make this year.

"Close shave this morning huh?" Crysti plonked herself on the other side of the corner sofa, so she was looking straight at me.

"Yeah. Although i didn't realize the seriousness of being late though becuase it was hilarious!" She smiled widely obviously recurring the image in her head. She just nodded her response and got up to buy a packet of crisps from the snack shack, getting money out of her trouser pocket. Buy the time she'd got back i'd remembered something important to ask her.

"How did your date go?" I asked. She replied with a mouthful of crisps, i guess she was too keen to have this convo that she forgot to swallow. Gross

"Oh my god awful"

"Hold on...please swallow, i'm gonna puke!"

"Hehe! Sorry, i forgot you have issues with cleanliness"

"Forgiven. What happened? You were so excited!"

"I know. and i was excited! But when i got to the restaurant he told me to go to, all of his friends were at another table shouting out rude encouraging comments to him from across the room. He spilt drink on my LBD! Then at the end of the date he actually had the cheek to ask me if i'd have a threesome with him and this girl he found on face-book. What the hell right?"

"Shit! No way! What a moron! I'm sorry you had to deal with that by yourself! Did you put him in his place? I bet you did, i can so picture it!"

"Too right i did, bloody twat! I need a prince! Not a rude cunt" The bell rang over our conversation. Morning break is only fifteen minutes long. We agreed to finish this convo at lunch, she grabbed her things and went off to a meeting with the school career guidance councilor, while i stayed in the common room and started researching the British industrial revolution.

Lunch Time 

I am on my way to the lunch hall. I haven't seen Crysti since break, we have very few classes together. We was given one last chance by our tutor this morning. At this school if your late twice in one week then you have a lunch detention, any more than two and you get an after school detention with your head of year. My next period is a two hour long History lesson, i have honestly been thinking a lot about what Smith said on Friday. I still feel guilty for judging him, but in my defense he kinda asked for it! Usually when a person is nervous they're quiet and fidgety, but he was just in full blown tosser mode! What's the bet that during today's lesson he will be exactly the same?

Walking in to the lunch hall i find that the hot meal line is way too long for my liking. I actually prefer the cold option because the baguettes are made by this special machine which means less human handling. School lunch lady's are always scary so god knows what they do with the food. Bogey's, hair, spit, bugs galore!! Errghh, I'm not hungry anymore. I locate Crysti and sit down at the table, she too had opted to skip lunch.

"Hey. Why aren't you eating?"

Sending me her greeting through a small smile she simply replied "Diet. I wanna loose 4lbs before Christmas because i always un-intentionally pig out. What about you?"

Snorting at her i said " Is there even such thing? and i kinda grossed myself out again"

Mouthing 'of course' to me with a joking look on her face. Then nodding her answer to the comment about my lunch. We changed the subject.

Crysti started "So, do you have any babysitting bookings yet?"

"No. But it's only Monday, i really hope i do after an empty weekend. I need to save as much as possible" Her face turned sad, as if she was remembering something.

"Do you really have to leave Liv?" Pausing for a second she looking of into the distance clearly in deep thought about this. "I can't imagine not going through uni without you! Even if you do start a year before me. Going to uni in the same place would make my first day a lot less nerve wracking. I don't have insane courage like you do"

Letting out a large huff i replied. "Ha! I'm not courageous at all! You definitely have more than me, i'm the shy one here! Do you really want me to stay that bad?"

Laughing she answered "YES LIV!!!. and not just for my own sake!"

I am very sure of what i want location wise. The memories, the neighbourhood gossip about my families deterioration. My determination to make a life for myself with job security is strong! And being able to hopefully pay for my younger sisters to go to uni so they can too have that chance. I want and need a fresh start, although i'm crazy worried about what will happen to my sisters! I need to think of a plan about that.

I look Crysti straight in the eye, ready to answer her truthfully hoping that she will understand what this means to me. "Crysti. You need to understand how i view my future! I want happiness; for me and my sisters, not that this city can't provide that. I just want to start over in a place with no recurring images of me playing with my father in this or that park. And no knowing glances given towards my family, you can just tell that behind there eyes they are judging me and my sisters harshly for something we didn't bring upon ourselves. Besides, you can always come with"

Smiling gently, she reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "I get it! If was you i'd probably want the same thing. Also, Imperial? Are you crazy!? There's no way i'm brainy enough for that. But i will consider moving to London when i'm done with my A-Levels if it means not losing my bestie"

This made me smile. She can be sweet at times. Yeah...AT TIMES !!!

To pass the time that we usually spent eating, Crysti told me all the gruesome details about her date from hell. I am disgusted and worried to hear about the comments Dylan Eldreds friends were shouting at him. Sex gestures, cheering Ryan on and congratulating him on getting Crysti, whilst talking loudly about what Ryan should do with her sexually,  all those types of subjects! How sick? Not to mention the fact that he sat there the whole time with a smug look on his face as if it was something to be proud of. Poor Crysti was there all by herself! I'm thankful that her Dad picked her up right outside the restaurant! First creepy Shaun! and now pervy Dylan and his jerk-ish friends. i hope London boys are better than this! Where's chivalry gone? I'll tell you people. It's dead!

The bell rang ending lunch and our very good chat. I am totally starved, but still not hungry enough for the school food. Not needing to throw any rubbish away we walked straight out of the cafeteria beating the pushing and shoving race as the crowd all bee lined straight for the rubbish bins. Hugging Crysti and apologising once more for not being there with her, we agreed on our meeting place even though we know, its a daily thing. Roll on History, this essay better pass out A's all round after the trouble it gave me!


Still don't know if anyone likes it :-(

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