Part 16

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"Er he's fine. Alot more settled now that he's used to the neighbourhood"

I smile at him because of my love for animals. I haven't got a clue of how he copes with George though. He's massive! Malts everywhere, and slobbers all over you!


"I choose Maths"

I'd completely forgotten about him choosing a subject due to my embarassment.

"Okay, this was not even set an hour ago so my memories of the lesson are still fresh"

"Well then see how you go. I'm here if you need me...Conjuring up some big homework for next lesson! Hahaha!"

I rolled my eyes at him before fixtating my vision on the homework sheet in front of me.


Smith laughs through his nose, i smirk, then we both settled down to our tasks.

~~20 Minutes Later~~

I found my homework extremely easy from start to finish, not needing Smiths help once. He was clearly lost in another world over at his desk, he'd been staring at the stapler for half an hour straight!

"Hey..dude! You alive?"

....nothing. I clear my throat to see if that would work. Still nothing... So, feeling as though i had no other choice i tore a sheet of paper out of my notepad, scrunched it up and lobbed it straight in his face! The paper ball hit just above his eye, dropped and landed in the collar of his shirt. His face made no movement whatsoever, every single muscle locked in place like a robot. His eyes however difted upwards from the stapler, squinted into slants and glared at me.

"Did you seriously just throw a paper ball at me!"

I grin cheekily and nod my head. His glance switches to playful/annoyed in a second as soon as i flashed him my pearly whites.

"You asked for it! I was calling your name, trying every possible way to get your attention, but the stapler was way more interesting! I had to dig out the dirty tricks! Err..yeah, i'm done with my homework"

"Really?! Because i don't remember you tapping me on the shoulder or jumping on a table waving your arms in the air! Give it here, i'll check it"

"Is sarcasm your middle name?" I swiftly moves out of my seat, over to his desk. The whole time he looks at me with one eyebrow raised, his lips formed into the tiniest of curve. I keep the cheeky smile plastered to my face as i hand him the sheets of paper. Being cheeky is so fun! He slides the paper out from between my fingers and thumb, rolled them up and playfully whips my arm with them.


"Don't hey me! Payback! That's nothing compared to having a paper ball in your eye!"

"Eyebrow! Exaggerator!"

He childishly sticsk his tongue out at me, going cross-eyed. I hastily walk back to my desk waiting for his feedback, whilst his eyes dart up and down my paper. His reply is taking longer than i expected and before i knew it my fingers were tracing the grooves in my desk that someone had carved into the surface with a pen. Harry heart's Piper in the middle of a heart made up from text kisses and hugs. (xoxo)

Is that rare? Making a guy so in love with you, to a point were he would do something that normally a girl would do? Could i ever get a guy to love me like that? I've barely even dated! But would i want a guy who expresses his love like that? Now i sound biased! How does anyone find the answers to these questions?

Anyhow, i'm definitely not the kind of girl who plans her wedding her whole life, i don't even know if i want marriage ye! .My whole life is just a giant sticky spider web of questions right now! I definitely think too much.


Looking up from the carved message at Smith, he's holding my papers out towards me.



"Err...Oh! My test! Yeah, it was pretty simple"

Instead of walking up to his desk again to get the papers, i just rose out of my seat, bent over the table and stretched my arm out to meet his hand. I guess i should of remembered that i'm wearing a top that reveals my bra to the whole entire world when i bend over!!! And my luck had to embarrass me even further by making me choose a bra that had dancing monkeys with bananna's printed on it this morning!!

In a almost instant second Smith's vision fell off of my eyes and landed on my chest, i don't think he meant to look because his eyes fell to his feet as soon as he realised what he was staring at, dropping my papers in embarrassment, so when i reach out for his hand our fingers accidentally lock together.  

Electric sparks and goosebumps envelop my whole arm, moving from hand right up to my shoulder like a wild journey, every single hair on my skin stands on end like they are waking up ready to say hello to the world. My eyes shoot up to find Smiths dark green eyes, eager to see his reaction, but they aren't there. They're still staring at the homework sheets scattered on the floor.

Everything happened with-in a 20 second time spam, but felt so much longer. I can feel my blood rushing to my cheeks in slow motion ready to fill them and put my embarrassment on display. I am desperate to hide my stupidity so i can run home, dig a hole in the back garden and live in it for the rest of eternity. So, i clear my throat and spoke first...

"Umm...I'll get those for you"

"No! Let me i dropped them"

We both shoot down to the floor at the same time smashing our heads together at full speed. The devil of awkwardness definitely has it in for me today. Sparks no more though, all i feel rushing around my skull is throbbing and blurry blotches on Smith's face. Smith held a hand to his impact zone, his eyes screwed up and wincing. His lips parted ready to speak after he'd gained 100% consciousness again.

"Ouch!" I laugh quietly.

"Serious ouch!" I say making him laugh through his nose.


"It was my fault!" Well, it was.

"No it wasn't"

I roll my eyes at him, we both know it was my fault. I move around my desk, knelt down on the floor, pushed the sheets of paper on the floor into one pile, picked them up and rose to my feet. Smith rose too, straightening himself out behind his desk. He began pretending to occupy himself with something. He obviously doesn't want to talk about what had just happened. I don't even know if he felt the sparks too! Whatever, i just wanna get out of here.

Not bothering to pack my stuff away, i sling my backpack over my shoulder and just bundle everything from the desk into my arms heading straight for the door.

"See ya next time"


I turn in the doorway to see what he wants.

"Can i have your number incase i have to reschedule again?"

"I thought you had it?"

"Do i?"

"You know, from the time i babysat?"

"Oh yeah, i guess i do. Bye then"

"Yeah bye"

Then i scarpered.....


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