Part 8 - Home.

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"You so was!" She giggled,

"How do you know?" I said, trying to remain calm, I always knew that she could read me like a book but not in the dark for god’s sake!

"Right, one, your voice goes all high pitched and squeaky when you lie and two I could see your face..." she told me, I opened my mouth to say something before she carried on but she said something first, "the TV is on so I can see you, twat." she mumbled, before laughing at me, I pouted, got up and left the room, putting the kettle on and grabbing my phone and texting Nathan,

To - Nathan:

Making a cuppa now, bet you wish you stayed;) X

I smiled to myself as I locked my phone, I grabbed my cup and smiled at the picture, I had it made, it was the photo from me and Nathan at the airport seven months back. I placed the cup down and placed a tea bag in it as a single tear dropped from my eye, not because I was upset, but how happy I was, a month ago this is all I could of ever dreamed off, now it's actually happening. Just to think that if that train had gone any slower we would of never seen them again in Nando's, yeah at the meet and great but it wouldn't of been the same, there's other fans there, not just me, Megan and Nathan with the boys the other side of the room. I was reliving everything from that moment.

Well that was until the kettle whistled, indicating that the water was boiled, I poured the hot water into the cup before placing it back in it's place and getting the milk out from the fridge.

A minute later my tea was ready, my phone buzzed as I placed the spoon in the sink, I left it in my pocket, picking my cup up walking out and turning off the light as I did so. I walked to the front room, I smiled at Megan, she'd, once again, fallen asleep on the sofa, the blanket wrapped around her tightly, I picked up the remote from beside her and turned the tv off, walking to my bedroom afterwards, I turned my beside table light on, placed my cup on the cabinet and sat up in bed, pulling my phone out my pocket.

*1 new message*

No surprise there, I clicked open and expected it to be Nathan.

From - Nathan:

:O jealouss! But I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow for you to make me one;) X

I giggled, typing back,

To - Nathan:

Me make you one?:O More like you make me one Mr;) X

I smiled as I pressed send, looking around. My wall still covered in posters, I don't intend on taking them down anytime soon either. My phone vibrated from beside me, another new message, I opened it as I picked my tea up and started drinking it,

From - Nathan:

Oh, don't want me to taste your tea because you already know mine is better?;) Your a cheeky one! X

To - Nathan:

I may be cheeky but one thing I'm not... Cocky;) Hehe, anyways, I'm off to bed Sykes. Night! X

I sent the message and drunk the last of my tea before placing my cup back on the side and switching my light off, my phone buzzed one last time so I picked it up,

From - Nathan:

Aw, it's called being truthful and cocky;) Alright Jods, sweet dreams beautiful. Night! X

I clicked back before locking my phone, placing it down and rolling over, pulling the covers over me and for the 16th night in a row I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

If Only You Knew.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat