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"Mummy" Sophie runs into the room. "What what happened" Ariana jumps off the bed. "Lexie is throwing up everywhere" Sophie says making Ariana go walk to the room and rub the 14 year olds back. "I want daddy" Lexie cries "baby girl go get my phone" Ariana looks to Sophie who nods running to get her mothers phone.

"Im going to call him now sweetheart" Ariana tells her.

"Ariana is everything okay" Joe answers the phone. "Lexie is sick and shes crying for you" Ariana says "oh god Im so sorry Im coming now" Joe replies ending the call.

"Come on lets get you downstairs" Ariana says helping her up to her feet. "Baby get the blanket from the cupboard and bring it downstairs." Ariana asks Sophie and she nods.

Ariana sat holding Lexie as she started to fall back off to sleep. Sophie goes and lets Joe in and he walks to the living room. "Im sorry Ariana" Joe says "its okay" Ariana says rubbing her back. "Is she asleep" he asks and Ariana nods.

"I mean its late and since shes asleep you can stay here. At least then your here" Ariana suggests and Joe nods. Joe picks Lexie up and carries her up to the spare room. "Sophie go back to bed sweetheart" Ariana rubs her back. "Im going to cuddle Hudson" Sophie giggles "great kick me out my bed" Ariana rolls her eyes.

"Well take a spare room and help your self to any food" Ariana yawns and he nods letting Ariana go and fight Sophie for the bed.

Hudson wakes up confused Sophie was in the bed and his mother wasn't and he was definitely in his mothers room. He climbs off the bed snd walks downstairs and smiles to Joe a little confused but carried on to find his mum.

"Morning" Ariana smiles giving him a hug. "Im confused what happened during the night" Hudson asks "Lexie was sick" Ariana says "is that why Joe is here" he asks and Ariana nods kissing his head.

Hudson sneezes and Ariana looks at him. "Nooo" Ariana pouts "hey I cant help in" he pouts "I don't like it when your sick it makes me sad" Ariana pouts. "I sneezed" Hudson laughs kissing his mums cheek before making some breakfast.

Sophie comes down the stairs and smiles to her mum. "Good morning" Ariana smiles "morning mama. Have they gone" Sophie asks "nope Joe is somewhere around the house" Ariana says and Sophie nods making some breakfast.

"Mummy" Hudson asks "yes" Ariana asks "will you have another baby" He asks "probably not baby. I need to love someone and its hard for mummy" Ariana says "but I want a little brother" he pouts "whats wrong with me" Sophie pouts. "Your the best sister in the world" he smiles.

Joe comes in "am I interrupting" he asks "no of course not" Ariana smiles slightly. "Mum did you come to bed last night" Sophie asks and Ariana nods "you just didn't wake up when I got off the bed this morning" Ariana explains handing Joe a coffee.

"Thank you." Joe smiles "anyway how is she" Ariana asks "she said shes feeling a little better" he smiles and Ariana nods. "Mum am I going gymnastics today" Sophie asks "I thought it was dance day" Ariana frowns "nope gym day" Sophie giggles making her mum nod. "Of course you can baby girl. Im not going to stop you if you want to go" Ariana smiles making Sophie smile.

"And you mister are doing school" Ariana says and he nods pouting. "Your strict but kind I like it" Joe smiles "we don't get holidays like Lexie does" Hudson says making Sophie look at him. "Yes we do. Mums kind and doesn't make us sit down and do school all day everyday she sets us task. Just as long as we finish within the year." Sophie says making Ariana chuckle.

"Mum when can I get instagram" Hudson asks as Sophie went on her phone. "When you turn 11 thats when I let Sophie" Ariana says "you do know the age is 13" Joe asks and Ariana nods "they can have it if your parents run it" Ariana says.

"You don't want instagram you get upset if someone says they don't like Mummy" Sophie chuckles "you get hate on most post you post" Sophie says "and mummy deletes them for you" Ariana says "do you?" Sophie asks and Ariana nods. "Some of them. If they are really horrible I do" Ariana hugs her.

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