
Omkara got down from his car in front of temple. 

Well, he was here at Moradabad. To find his chiraiyaa, to apologize, and to take a chance on love. 

Gauri hadn't responded to any of his calls or texts, but Omkara had expected that. She didn't want to face him yet, so he had to do something. 

But what? 

He was thinking of a solution, when his car crossed by a temple and he asked the driver to stop. Why not try Gauri's method? 

He took off his shows, and walked the steps of the temple. 

He only prayed and performed rituals to keep his family happy; he didn't have "connection" with God, that Gauri spoke off. So, he was at a loss at what to do. 

He saw the crowd of people standing in front of the idol of Shiv Parvati seeking their blessings. So, he followed suit, he joined his hands and shut his eyes, hoping for some lightening to strike his mind. 

Tired of shutting his eyes tight, he gave up on it, and opened them. 

And the first thing he saw was her. 

She was bowing and walking backwards. Suddenly, she turned, and came towards him. 

But she didn't see him, as she just flipped her dupatta over her shoulder. She walked steadily, and passed by him, without stopping. 

This was his chance. 

He called out, "Gauri", but she didn't turn. His voice was drowned among the voices of several devotees who were shouting Shiva's name.

Omkara rushed to follow her, but the crowd came in between. By the time he came down the stairs, there was no sign of her. 

He lost her. But not for long, he would find her soon enough.

And then?

"Alak niranjan!" said a voice, behind him, tapping him on his head, with some bunch of feathers. 

Yes, that's all I need in my life, groaned Omkara in his head, as he turned to face the old man, and hand him some coins to send him away. 

"Bhole Baba ke darbaar mein aaye ho, toh zaroor kuch dhoodhne aaye ho" (If you have come to Bhola i.e. Shiva's court, then definitely you've come to search for something) said the man, philosophically. 

Well, one could say that, thought Omkara. 

"Bhagya mein wahi hai, kal mein jo tune boya hai, anmol tha woh ratan jo tune khoya hain" (Fate has that written over it, what you sowed in your past, priceless was that jewel, which you lost) said the old man.

Why was this old man tormenting him? thought Omkara. As if he needed any more reminders of his folly. 

"Everyone errs. ShivShankar also erred, and offended Mata Parvati in his ire. But there is no mistake which can't be corrected. Shiv Shankar took the form of a fisherman to win back his love, where there is a will, there is way" said the man, his eyes twinkling. 

What did this man just say? Was he.....but that could be a risky ploy? thought Omkara. 

He smiled slowly, and bent his head, to take some coins to give to the old man, but when he looked up that man had disappeared. Well, maybe he was a godsend. 

And now Om had an answer. 


Gauri put up the notice outside their house. She had taken Richa's uncle's permission. 

They needed money for the wedding, and one way to get that was to get a sub-tenant. Richa's uncle's house wasn't very big, but with little adjustment, they cleaned up the big store room, put up a bed, and got it ready to put it on rent. Gauri and her mother would live in one room, and Richa and her mother in the other. 

Now hopefully, some single woman, who was struggling finding a place to live, would come their way. 

In the meantime, Gauri got down to business. 

Navratri was starting in a few days. She would set up a small stall here with Richa's uncle's help and start selling stuff to earn enough money for the wedding. She knew she could ask her Mamu to help anytime, but she didn't want to depend on anyone. Gauri also decided to do home tuitions for the kids in the neighborhood, she had acquired enough education to teach kids till the age of thirteen. She hoped that with all these she would manage to gather enough for Richa's wedding. 

One thing troubled her though. Her heart was still left behind with Omkaraji. 

She felt like she saw him in the temple, heard his voice. It must be her mind playing tricks on her. She had to free herself of his thoughts, it would only cause her more pain. 

"Gauri beta, come have some chai" called out her mother. It was early evening. 

"Yes mother, just in a minute" said Gauri. 

"Gauri what have you been working on since morning?" asked her mother.

"Maa, I bought some rough dress material in the morning, when we were returning from the temple. I designed something for all those married ladies we met in the neighborhood yesterday. Tomorrow evening is Karvachauth, so I hope to sell them some of these dupattas" said Gauri.

"I am so sorry, Gauri, you came to meet your mother after so many days, and you are spending all time gathering money for my wedding" said Richa, her face drooping.

"Don't be stupid Richa. You have done so much for me. This is nothing" said Gauri. 

"If only we get a sub-tenant today, it would be great. We can take the deposit and one month rent in advance, that would set us off at least for the Roka function. The wedding  function my uncle will manage, and I have my savings too. Its just these ancillary functions" said Richa, worried over the expenses.

"Leave the thinking to me. We get married once in life Richa, and I want you to enjoy your wedding" assured Gauri. 

Someone rang their doorbell at that moment. 

"I'll go and see who that is" said Richa. 

Richa opened the door to find a tall Sardarji looking down at her, grinning from ear-to-ear. 

"Ji?" she asked confused. 

"O ji, I saw the notice outside your house, looking for a tenant. So, here I am" said the man, looking very amused. 

"Ji?" asked Richa confused. "Who are you?"

"Oh ji, I am Dilpreet Singh, ji, from Punjab" said Omkara. 

P.S. Sorry guys, I know a lot of you probs, wanted something different. But I really liked the Dilpreet track. Anyways, it goes on for the next 10 chapters. I hope it is logical in the FF. Cheers! 

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