Chapter 23

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Nathan’s P.O.V

When I woke up this morning, I felt like the most luckiest man on the planet. Last night was beyond amazing, I never knew sex would be that good. Gwen made it amazing. Even though she laughed at how I missed her entrance, she didn’t make it awkward. Just thinking about last night makes me want to go back into the room and do it all over again. She, she was just. I can’t even put it into words.

As I look off into the sea I know she’s the one, but will she accept me with all my baggage? I don’t think she will. Who says that I’ll tell her, but I don’t want to lie to her. I mean she told me about her past and why she is the way she is. I have to also tell her why I am the way I am. It’s only fair, I want this to work between us. I want to be happy for once in my life. And as I see it right now, she is my only shot I have at it. I thought Ariane was it, but boy was I wrong.

I feel arms wrap around my waist. She says nothing, just holds me. I turn around and she has a sleepy smile, I lean down and kiss her soft lips.

“Good morning beautiful” I say still lingering on her lips.

“Good morning” She grins. I leave a chaste kiss on her lips. I trail my nose against hers, she closes her eyes and hums. “I need to call my parents and say you kidnaped me.” she says softly.


“I think I should do that now.” she takes a step back, and I see she’s wearing my shirt, only my shirt. That’s hot.  She walks back in the cabana and I see her get her phone. She bends over to pick her skirt from yesterday and I see her naked ass. This girl better finish talking soon so we can do around two. I see her sit down and dial her mom.


Gwen’s P.O.V


“Hey mom.” I say a little too high pitched. I hope she doesn’t get upset.

“Hi sweetie.”

“So about the trip, I won’t be able to make it. I’m not in Las Vegas.” I play with the hem of Nathan’s shirt.

“Where are you?” she sounds too curious. Here we go with the questions.

“I’m in Malibu, with Nathan.” I whisper his name.

“With Nathan? Are you sure nothing is going on between you two?” she asks. Jesus mom!

“I don’t know at this point. Maybe after this week I’ll tell you if there is anything.” I smile, even though she can’t see me.

“Alright I’ll tell Burt you’re bailing on us again. Gwen please be safe, remember what happened last time.” she softly says. And that’s what I was trying to avoid. Her telling me to remember what happened last time. I wish I could forget.

“I know mom, please don’t bring it up. I’m fucking trying to forget it ever happened, but I know it did, and you telling me  ‘remember what happened’ isn’t helping me.” I snap. I love her to death, but her reminding me brings it all back. It’s like pouring salt in my cuts. Cuts that haven’t healed in years, and who knows when they will. Nathan steps back in the room, he motions me to him. I quickly go to him, he wraps me in his arms. My mom apologizes and I tell her to tell Burt that I’m sorry for not going to the trip. We hang up and Nathan is still holding me. I throw my phone on the bed, he laughs lightly.

“Your mom brought it up?” he whispers in my hair. I nod, but don’t say anything. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I want to know where me and him stand. Are we together are we not? I mean I just took his virginity last night. My stomach starts to grumble. Well I guess we need to have breakfast first, then I’ll ask him. I look up at him and give him a peck.

“I’m hungry.” I smile. He tilts his head to the side.

“For what?” I can see a smile playing across his face. He wants to play round? Ok.

“Something filling, something that leaves me satisfied.” I innocently say. He shakes his head and brings his hands down to cup my butt. He gives it a squeeze then presses me me more onto him. Oh! He’s excited. I would love to have sex again, but I’m actually really hungry. Like a girl has to eat.

“Nathan, can we take care of your little situation when we finish eating?” He raises his eyebrows.

“Little? It’s little now?” he smirks. I playfully push him and walk over to the bathroom to shower.


We walk into a small restaurant on the coast and we’re seated quickly. I sit across from Nathan just like we did last night. Something is up with him. I can tell he’s been different since we left. I glance over at the shore, it’s a beautiful day, I want to go swimming today.

“I-” We both day at the same time. I smile and motion for him to say what he was going to say.

“I was wondering why are you on birth control?” Oh shit. I wanted to avoid this question. I don’t think I want to talk about it now, but he did ask so I have to tell him.   

“I need it to control my period. And my doctor wants to see if I can ovulate when I’m on the pill.” I say truthfully. I don’t ovulate meaning I can’t have kids. His expression changes, and he looks sad? Why is he sad?

“I’m sorry.” I furrow my eyebrows

“For what? Not being able to have kids? You know there is a story behind all this.” I frown. After all those years saying I didn’t want kids, I hated them, I wish I couldn’t have children. God made my wish come true. I prayed every night to not have kids ever. And now I can’t even if I tried. I see kids now and I just wish I could take back what I said. I see tiny babies and wish I were able to have one. I now envy women, who can have them. If I would’ve just kept my mouth shut. I want to feel the pain of giving birth. I want to feel what my mom felt. I want to know how it feels to love someone unconditionally. Cause that's what I’ve heard, that once you have a child, you love them unconditionally. They say that once you hold them for the first time, you love them right then and there. Sadly for me, I’ll never know. I stare off into shore I see the waves crashing, and I feel and single tear run down my cheek.

“Hey babe, don’t cry.” Nathan coos. I smile at him. I don’t even know why I’m crying. I’ve never cried over this. I guess I’m just finally starting to realize, that I do want kids. “You don’t have to tell me the story, I can see it’s an emotional one.” I shake my head, and he reaches over for my hand, he laces our fingers together. “You know, I don’t even like kids.” he smiles. What? I furrow my eyebrows, he thinks we’ll end up together? We aren’t even dating?

The waiter comes and Nathan orders for us again. Seriously he needs to let me order for myself. I think I’m old enough. God he treats me like I’m five! The waiter leaves and I look at Nathan. He meets my gaze and he seems relaxed, at peace even. I should ask him about his nightmares, but I don’t want to ruin his mood. Oh fuck it I’m asking!

“So since we are talking about everything, what are those nightmares you have about?” I casually ask, but I see him tense up quickly. Oh that’s not good. He intensively stares at me, and now I feel uncomfortable. Whenever he looks at me like this I feel uncomfortable.

“They are about something I did. Something, that maybe as time goes by I will be able to tell you.” he squeezes my hand gently. Umm ok? What could he have done? I don’t think he is capable of doing something too bad. I mean come on look at him? He may look like he’s a bad ass, but as they say appearances can be deceitful. I give him a quick smile, and I visibly see him relax.  I guess this is as much as I’m going to get out of him.

We finish eating and head back to the cabana. When we arrive I quickly change into my bathing suite and wait for Nathan to change. I leave before him, he takes such a damn long ass time to just put on some swimming trunks. I lay my towel down and lay down taking in some sun.


AN: Hey there beautifuls!!! Sorry I didn't update yesterday but it was my birthday and I had to spend it with my family...

So how was this chapter? Please excuse all the typos, I have a massive migraine rn, Idek how I even typed this chapter but yeah. Please vote and comment.... I love you guys!! xx

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