Chapter 14

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I look at Nathan in shock and my mouth is hanging open at this point. Nothing is coming out of my mouth and my mind is at a total blur.

“You didn’t did you?” Nathan says and he is chuckling like if he finds this funny. I get up and make my way up to Nathan.

“I was drunk that night. I don’t know what I was thinking or saying.” I say looking him right in the eye.

“Drunk minds speak sober thoughts.” He says and the laughter that once came out of his mouth has died down. “But hey I don’t want to get in between you and Jay’s relationship,” he says almost sarcastically. “Just remember where your heart is, because it’s not with him” He whispers into my ear.

“Why are you here?” I say in a low whisper.

“I texted you remember? I want to talk about what happened yesterday.” he tells me.

“I told you I would call you.” I say.

“I know you, and you didn't, so I came here and found you with Jay.” he huffs. Jay comes right behind me and snakes his arm around my waist.

“Is there a problem?” Jay says while looking at Nathan.

“There is but we’re going to fix it.” Nathan says not looking at Jay but instead keeping his gaze on me.

“Well I gotta go now, see you around Nathan, see you later babe.” Jay says as he places a kiss on my cheek and walks towards the door. He turns around and winks at me and I mouth him a thank you and he walks out. Brie has left to god knows where, so I’m stuck here to talk to Nathan.

“So?” I say to him while looking at the floor with my arms crossed against my chest.

“Can we like go to the park or something?” he says and I look up at him.

“Why not here?” I question him but he doesn’t answer me he just pulls me by the arm and next thing I know I’m in his car. “Nathan what the hell, why are you so persistent?” I tell him but he continues to drive. We end up at a park and I don’t get why we couldn’t just talk at my apartment or at least wait until I called him back.

“We are at the park because I want us to be somewhere public that way you won’t start an argument like we always do.” He says as he walks out and goes to open the door for me. We walk over to where the swings are, and sit down.

“Were you really that drunk that you couldn’t remember what happened last night?” I say as I kick the wood chips underneath me.

“Yeah, I didn’t hurt you did I?” he says.

“Not necessarily, you came drunk and without another word I was pushed up against the wall and you almost fucked me” I say while laughing.

“Oh my god Gwen,” He says as he laughs and starts to blush, “I’m sorry I didn’t know?” he puts one hand up to his forehead as his head hangs low.

“Is that all you wanted to know?” I say while biting my lip.

“I really like you Gwen, when I heard you were with Jay my heart dropped,” he says and I am completely shocked.

“Can we not talk about this right now?” I tell him.

“No we need to, okay? That night when you said you liked me was the best night of my life and you know what Gwen? I like you too, I really do, how is it that after us confessing how we feel you and Jay get together,” He says and his breathing gets heavier and slower.

“I-I want to go now Nathan.” I tell him because I know that if I stay any longer I would end up crying infront of him and I don’t want him to see me in that state. He gets up and doesn’t say anything just lets out a sigh. I get up right after him but he turns around and looks me dead in the eye.

“No Gwen I’m not just gonna stop talking about this topic about us. I really like you and I won’t give up that easy, so again Why are you with Jay?” He half whispers and half yells at me. All I do is flinch and I don’t know what to say.

“Because unlike you I can trust him and he's a good friend to me.” I say. He stays speechless for a while and then runs his hands through his hair.

“I get it Gwen, I broke your trust but, can’t you forgive me? I’m sorry, I really am” he says and his voice cracks a bit at the end.

I take a deep breath “It’s not that easy Nathan, this is reality and it takes more than sorry to make me forgive you.”

“Than how can I get you to forgive me?” he sighs and I want to tell him to stop with the notes but then I remember what Jay told me. To first make sure its him.

“You have to earn my trust back and this time, try not to break my heart again I only have one.” I laugh at this point and so does he.

“I will show you I can gain your trust back and that is the last thing I plan on doing.” He says while opening his arms and reaching out for a hug. He is still not forgiven but a hug would be nice right now. We then head back to the car but instead of driving me home he makes a turn on the wrong street.

“Nathan you just passed my house?!” I say looking back as I do.

“I know. I want to go for some ice cream” He smiles at me and I lean back down and smile. When we get there Nathan comes around and opens the door for me. When I step out I smile up at him and he closes the door behind him. He takes me by surprise and intertwines his fingers with mine but I let go.

“Oh, right you have a boyfriend I forgot” He says with a tint of sad and when we walk in I see Ariane. Fuck really right now? She looks up and sees me and Nathan and immediately walks pass up bumping into me. To think I was actually going to befriend her. We get to the front of the line and we order.

“What would you like?” Nathan says and I decide on cookie dough. We get our cones and go to sit down but there is only silence. I decided to speak up but the words that tumble out of my mouth are said before I think.

“Did anything happen between you and Ariane?”

“What?” he says almost as shocked at my question as I am.

“You and Ariane?”

“Uhmm, we kind of dated.” He says while taking the last bite of his ice cream and I can literally feel my heart drop to my stomach.

“Oh” is all I manage to say and I get up to throw my unfinished ice cream. I lost my appetite anyways.

“The kiss at the dance meant nothing, we were over with and I don’t feel anything.” He says as he gets up and follows me but I just nod my head and he understands. “Let’s take you home.” He turns around and heads to the car and I follow behind him.

We arrive at my house and I step out “Thanks Nathan.” I say and he smiles in response before driving off.

I go inside, kick off my shoes, and fall to the ground. I don’t know why but I just want to lie down on the floor and die. I just lie there with no plans to get up anytime soon.


AN: Hello beautiful people!! Sorry if the update was short but, I promise I'll do a double today :) So we are already on chapter 14!! Holy balls I think we are half way done not too sure lol. Anyway please vote, comment and fan!!! Let me know what you think about this chapter :) Love ya xxxx

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