Chapter 6

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The last thing I need is to be stuck in a car with either Anthony or Nathan and the first thing that comes to mind at this point is taking the bus. I make my way over to the bus stop until someone gets a grip on my arm.

"Gwen what were you going to tell me" It's Nathan and his eyes have turned into a darker shade of green. On top of that his grip has gotten tighter and I struggle to escape his grasp.

"Nathan please let go you're hurting my arm." I plead, I already have a sprained ankle I don't need a broken arm.

"Gwen, tell me" he hisses at me and as much as I want to get this over with I want him to first let go of my arm. I pull and tug but my struggling only makes him hold on tighter.

"I said let go!" I nearly scream and all I ask is for him to let go because at this point my arm is feeling numb. I feel stares from people around us and I assume he does too because he finally lets go of me. I begin to rub my arm to evade some of the pain and red marks that he had left. I look up to meet his gaze and he lets out a deep breath and begins to talk again.

"Gwen again what were you gonna say?" he says and I feel bothered, and  a bit angry because he doesn't apologize for hurting me a few seconds ago.

"Look, I don't know what your motives are but I know that-" Brie calls my name and she is running towards us and I don't have the time to tell Nathan that I know it's him who has been sending me the notes before Brie gets a hold of his arm.

"So are we gonna finish the movie or what?" She looks at both me and Nathan but none of us say a word. "Did I miss something?"

"No Brie you didn't I was just about to leave" I say as I try to cover up the redness on my arm with my hand.

"You can't leave Gwen" she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes Brie I can" I say.

"No, you can't you don't have a ride" she lets out a soft chuckle.

"I can take the bus no biggie" I say and turn back to the direction of the bus stop. Brie and Nathan look at me and then Brie tugs on Nathan's shirt. He takes a last glance at me before following behind her back into the theater. The bus arrives just as I get there and in no time I'm back at home.

I still haven't managed to get up the stairs without the help of Brie so I'm stuck downstairs until she gets back. I plop myself down on the couch and decide to call up my mom. I dial her number and she picks up on the third ring.

"Hello honey!" She says in a cheerful voice. I don't speak for a second but her voice is so soothing and it relaxes me for a bit. "Gwen sweetie are you alright?"

"Yeah mom I'm's just" I take a deep breath before continuing, "I met this guy" she gasps and I let out a little chuckle.

"Honey that's great what's his name?" she asks.

"His name is Nathan" I say, and I guess the sadness behind my voice has not gone unnoticed because my mom immediately asks what's wrong.

"Did he do something to you?" she says.

"I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I mean I shouldn't like him because he has sent me these threatening notes and he thinks I don't know it's him but I do. And I know I should stay away from him but he has this charm, and these beautiful eyes and I don't know I like him, but I know it's wrong and-" I say this all in one breath until my mom stops me.

"Gwen, please slow down and breathe. Now listen to me, a man should never be the cause of your problems let alone your stress and I know you like him but these notes, these threatening notes should never be sent to a woman. The best thing for you to do is confront him and tell him you had enough. Never tolerate men like him" she says and I find myself over thinking again. I know she's right but no matter how many times I try to tell Nathan I am always interrupted. Yet the way he acts reels me in and I know it shouldn't, but I'm attracted to him and I can no longer deny that. The only reason I push him away is because I don't need a boy to come between me and my plans. I talk to my mom for another 15 minutes before hanging up.

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