Chapter 9

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AN: This update is dedicated to @lukesdabae, thank you for the comment love!!xx


I woke up super early this morning. All I can think about is Nathan. And the fact that we are going out tonight. 'As friends' my conscious reminds me. I know I know. Maybe if I can oversee the fact that he is threatening me, I can actually let him in. Sadly I can't, relationships aren't my thing. The last one I had was the worst. He mistreated me. How I regret that day I met him. If only I had met Nathan or Anthony before him. 'Yeah you said it yourself if' my conscious reminds me again. Fuck why can I just move on from all this. I see my phone light up and it's Nathan.

*How did you sleep* I laugh lightly.

*Good morning to you too. I slept well. Thank you* I respond quickly. Once I put my phone down it lights up again.

*Are you ready for tonight? (are you going to wear a dress?)* I shake my head and smile. Him and dresses.

*Yeah, I am. I don't know that yet. What do you think should I?* I reply. I get up off the couch and go to the kitchen. I need to make breakfast incase Brie wants some. Ever since Brie came home from the club, she hasn't been the same with me. Last week she barely talked to me twice. This week not once. She seriously needs help, I don't see what I did wrong? Ok well maybe the fact Nathan likes me more than her has something to do with it, but it's not like I gave him a reason to like me. She was the one who kept on pushing herself onto Nathan knowing that he didn't like her. I'm not going to sit here and watch my friend be mad at me for something I didn't do. I hear her come downstairs and I have a plate of pancakes ready for her on the table. She sees me and smiles. Ok at least she smiled at me. I finish getting my plate ready and sit down in front of her.

"Good morning Brie." I break the silence first. She smiles again.

"Hey, look I'm sorry for being so distant. I was just hurt that Nathan rejected me for you."

"No, it's fine. And just so you know, I'm not into Nathan." I lie.

"Well I guess you're going to have to write it on your forehead because he's really into you." she pauses and shakes her head. "Even when we hung out, all he did was ask about you. How didn't I take a hint. I swear all he did was ask question after question. He asked if you were with Anthony. How many boyfriends have you had. I've never seen a guy so into a girl." she finally takes a breath. He really likes me. Fuck.

"Well, it still doesn't change my mind. I don't like him nor can I even if I wanted to." I sigh.

"Well I'm off I have clinicals and class tonight. So don't wait up." she says walking to put her plate in the sink. "Oh and we are invited to the formal dinner."

"The formal dinner? Why?" I asked shocked. Not many people get invited to that dinner only a handful of students get to attend.

"Yeah me and you, apparently we are in the top 100 students in our graduating class. So we were invited. And before you go asking questions. Yes we have to wear a gown, and yes we have to look super fancy and elegant." she explains.

"A gown? I don't have one. Damn we have to go shopping." I huff. Don't get me wrong I love shopping, I just hate gowns, they are so long and tiring.

"Well we have to go shopping asap, because the dinner is in 4 days." she says walking out of the kitchen.

"Ok we can go tomorrow. I have no class or clinicals." I shout.

"Ok well I'm off see ya." Brie shouts back and is out the door.

Well that went better than I thought. No hard feelings. What I still can't manage to understand is why is Nathan so into me? Why does he have to know everything about me? I wonder if Brie told him about my past relationship. I hope she didn't. Damn if she did he will want to know more about that. I see my phone light up again.

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