Chapter 17

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Nathan's P.O.V

I left Gwen's house with no clue on how we stand. I still can't believe I told her dad that she was getting dressed again. I shouldn't have done that, but the fact that she told her dad that she wanted me to leave was over the top. Yes I understand I should have left by the third time she said to leave but, I wanted to fix what went wrong. Which pretty much backfired on me.

I get back home and go straight to my room. I need a plan to get her back, well not that she was ever mine to begin with. Maybe I can take her out on a mini vacation during spring break? We start this Friday but, I highly doubt she will come with me on her own will. I need to practically kidnap her. How though? Drugs are out of the question I may be a dick but, that's way too much. Get her drunk? Maybe but, she'll get all emotional on the way there. Although I can handle her drunk. She will eventually fall asleep right? I sure as hell hope so. Now to get her drunk, a party Anthony can throw a party. Anthony can help me out with this. That's it I have everything set, get Anthony to throw a party, get Gwen wasted, get her in a car, wait where the hell am I going to take her? What close to Las Vegas? California? Oh Malibu, yeah Malibu it is. Shit I still have to get a hotel. Oh how I hate late planning but, it's all for Gwen. Yeah it's for her I say to myself over and over as I make my way down to find Anthony.

"Hey can we throw a party on Friday? " I say to Anthony as I walk in the kitchen. He nods and chews whatever the hell it is that he is eating. By the look of it, it looks like a sandwich with chips in it. He must be high or something. "Umm one thing, I need to make sure Gwen gets wasted within an hour." His eyes widen. "Oh no, it's not what you think, I need to get her somewhere, and no it's not my bedroom." I finish.

"Ok but she will have to do straight up vodka." he says and I nod. Whatever it takes to get her to Malibu.

Gwen's P.O.V

I have set up the security system, and I only managed to hurt myself twice. I got a scratch on my arm and I scraped my knee when I fell getting of the stairs. But I finished. So now I can catch that little bitch on camera. Oh how I wished I knew where she lived. I could beat the fuck out her. But at least I know if I get anymore notes I will have her on camera, and she can't deny it's her.

I run start to run a bath, it's been a long ass day and I'm just ready for it be over. I still find it weird Brie isn't home yet. Her last class was supposed to be over at eight and it's now nine, she must have gone somewhere after class, but she would've told me. I get my phone as the tub is filling up. I text her to see if she's ok.

*Hey where are you? Are you ok?* I press send and I start to get undressed. I start to sit down in my tub and, I hear a knock on the door. What the hell, why are so many people coming over to my house. Can't you just call me or text me? I get up and get my robe. I hope they leave soon cause I hate being naked in front of people. I rush down the stairs and opened the door. I see Nath, standing there with a cheesey smile. He pushes by me and stands behind me. I smell alcohol, and I know this won't end well. He keeps that creepy ass smile on his face and I'm starting to get freaked out.

"Hey" he finally slurs. I knew his ass was drunk. He only comes to my house when he's drunk well he wasn't drunk earlier but still. I step back and cross my arms over my chest. I hope he doesn't get all touchy like he did last time.

"Hi" I look away from his gaze that is practically burning through me.

"What are you wear under your robe?" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"My pj's what else?" I smile

"I think you have nothing on? He smirks again. "Lets see if I'm right." he says as he walks towards me. Oh no this is not happening. I see him getting closer what do I do? His hand comes to the knot I tied and I do the only thing that comes to mind. I punch the shit out of him. He stumbles back and falls. I see the side of his head hit the edge of the coffee table. I kneel next to him, and he doesn't move. Oh no did I kill him? I shake him but, he doesn't wake up. I think I knocked him out. I didn't even punch him that hard. I look at my knuckles and they are glowing red. Ok maybe I did but, I didn't think it was hard enough to knock him out. Why did I do that again? Oh yeah cause he was about to see me naked. He looks so cute knocked out though. He looks so at peace. His nose is so cute. Ahh what am I doing?! I get up and sit on the couch, I see him asleep and I just want to cuddle next him.

How am I going to get him out of here. Brie can't see him like this she might think I killed him. I can take him up to my room but, how? He must be heavy. Oh well that's what I get for knocking him out cold. I grab his arms and begin to drag him to my room. I lift up his head by lifting his arms higher, that way he won't get a concussion. I slide him up the stairs and drop his arms once he's in my room. God he's actually heavy. I run to the bathroom, and get dressed I guess my bath can wait now. I go back into the room and Nathan is still out cold. Why can't he be this quiet all the time. I like this Nathan more. I sit on my bed and just look at him. I can already see that he will have a bruise tomorrow morning.

I take some ice from the freezer and place it in a cloth. I need to at least make sure the bruise won't be that noticeable. I take the ice up to my room and close my door. I see him just laying down on the floor, and I feel bad. I put the ice on the nightstand and walk over to get him. Somehow I manage to get up on my bed. I take his shoes off and his shirt. I place his head slowly down on the pillow. If he's going to be spending the night here, he might as well be comfortable. I get the ice pack I made and press it softly on his jaw. He doesn't even move. He must really be out. I press it for about 5 minutes more then he begins to shift. I move away and place the homemade ice pack on the side. I sit down criss cross next him. I can't sleep knowing he's out cold, what if he doesn't wake up? Oh god what if I did kill him. No I couldn't have he just moved. I turn off my light and turn on the lamp next to my bed. I lean back on the headboard and just look at him. When will he wake up? Was the punch that hard? Or was it when he hit the edge of the coffee table that he knocked out? God can he just wake up! I close my eyes for what seems seconds and I wake to see a shadow in my room. I get up and walk to my door. And no one is there? I must honestly be seeing things. I shake my head, walk out to see if Brie made it home tonight. I open the door to her room, and I see her asleep. At least that's one thing I don't have to worry about. I walk back in my room and Nathan is still asleep. I sit on the chair that is across the room. I'm not going to lay down next him.

I get woken up by whimpers. I get up and walk towards the crying, I bump into my bed. I turn on the side lamp and see tears streaming down Nathans face. He's not even awake. I shake his shoulders but, he doesn't wake up. He keeps on crying and now I'm freaking out. I hear him whimper more and my heart breaks, I don't like to see people crying because then it makes me cry. I feel a tear run down my cheek and I know something is wrong with him. I can feel it. I try to wake him up again but to no avail. He must be in deep sleep. I decide to lay down next to him. I quickly hug him. I place my head on his chest and I wrap my arm over his waist. I slowly fall asleep to the beat of his heart.


AN: Hello!! Sorry I haven't updated babes. I've been super busy last couple of days. So how has everyone been? Anything new going on?

So yeah what you guys think of the chapter? Please vote, comment and fan! Bye Babes Love ya xxxx

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