Chapter 8

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It’s been two weeks since I last seen Nathan and as much as I don’t want it get to me, it still does. I regret pushing him away. I was just scared as to what would happen if we did kiss and let me tell you, the thought terrifies me. The way his lips looked, so pink, soft, so kissable, and irresistible, as much as I wanted to I couldn’t kiss him, I wanted to don’t get me wrong but I couldn’t do it. I’m quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I see someone shift into the seat next to me in my psych class. I invert my gaze to the person who has voluntarily decided to sit next to me and I noticed it’s a girl. She looks at me and smiles and I return the gesture. She has red hair and green eyes and right now she has the biggest smile on her face and she introduces herself.

“Sorry to have just sat down, was this seat taken?” She asks politely.

“No it’s fine you can sit here no one was planning to take this seat anyways.” I say and then get back to jotting down notes.

“Thanks, by the way my name is Ariane.” she reaches out a hand to me and I shake it introducing myself as well.

“Nice to met you Ariane, my name is Gwen.” I smile at her. “So Ariane, are you new to this class?” I await her answer.

“Well no actually I’ve been here since the beginning I just never really spoke to anyone.” she says and the skeptical and curious side of me comes out.

“Oh, why did you decide to speak to me now?” I say and the minute I say it I realize how harsh that sounded. “I'm not trying to be rude, sorry I just meant out of all people why did you talk to me.” I say hoping I didn’t sound like a jerk. She smiles.

“I decided I needed to make friends, it gets boring being lonely.” she says.

“I totally agree with you.” We talk for the first 15 minutes of class until the professor walks in and she begins her lesson.

We get to the end of the lesson and I begin to pack my stuff ready to go grab something to eat on my way back home. I start making my way out the door when I hear my name being called, and when I turn around it’s Ariane. I swing my bag as I come to a halt and turn around.

“Hey, want to hang out sometime? You seem like a cool chick.” She says a little too enthusiastically.

“Uh yeah sure, I was just about to grab something to eat.” I inform her.

“Great!” She says as she grabs my arm and we walk towards my car and get in. I drive up to subway and since I have no idea where the girl lives we decide to eat there. She goes on about how when she was fifteen she went to her first house party, and how she got so wasted she had no idea what she was doing and striped in front of a couple boys and how after she jumped into the pool despite the fact that it was freezing. She really is talkative and I have no idea what to say. The only interesting thing I can remember about myself is when the school hottie in my freshmen class had asked me to prom and we had our first kiss in the middle of the dance floor. Pretty magical if you think about it until someone decided it would be a good idea to throw water balloons and me, being the klutz I am, fell on my butt in front of my crush.

“Wow, you sure were living the life weren’t you now.” I tell her as I take a bite of my sandwich. She laughs and takes a bite out of her own sandwich.

“I guess you can say so,” she pauses, “Do you have your eye on anyone?” She says. I look at her confused for a second until I can make a coherent thought.

“Uh, I, well, I don’t know it’s been a bit complicated.” She leans forward in her seat and is some how interested in what I have to say. “ I do indeed have an interest in someone, and I’m kind of stuck between whether I want him or not.” I take a deep breath and repeat the picture of our ‘almost’ kiss.

About The Boy {Nathan Sykes} |Under Editing|Where stories live. Discover now