Chapter 10

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to @TheWantedFamily :) Love ya hun!!!! Oh and The gown that Gwen is wearing is on the side :) In the external link you can find the list of songs that were used to write the chapter.


We enter into the building where the dinner is taking place and it is truly breathtaking. There are white and black balloons floating above the entire ceiling, some Chinese lanterns, round tables covered in clothes with beautiful patterns, and the lightning is quite dim. I get a hold of Christian's arm and we head to our table with Brie and her date tagging right behind us. Right when we sat down we were greeted by a lovely waitress.

"Hello! Wow you girls look gorgeous and you boys look handsome as well! Can I get you anything? Drinks? Food?" She asks with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you, uhmm Curly over here and I will take a beer and uh, you girls want anything?" Christian asks.

"Yeah Brie and I will have raspberry tea," I politely smile towards the waitress and she jots down the order and dismisses herself to retrieve the drinks. All of us had already ate before we came here so all we wanted was a drink.

"You girls don't drink?" Christian directly asks Brie and I.

"We do but Brie kind of has limits due to her past experiences with men she barely knows." I say making sure to put emphasis on barely. She slaps me on the arm and I lightly laugh as well as the others.

We sit there talking for a while until the waitress comes back with our drinks, and right when she gets there so does someone else. We all sit there looking up at these unknown strangers until the guy in the gray suit, nicely quiffed hair, and the gleaming green eyes that are visible through the mask begins to talk.

"Hey guys, thought I wouldn't find you." he says and takes a seat next to me and his partner sits right beside him. She had a pretty silver metallic mask with pretty almond shaped cutouts for the eyes, red curly hair that cascaded down her shoulder, and a pretty gray 3-4 sleeve skater dress with slits at the waist. His partner sure did look gorgeous and I felt the jealousy coming through.

"Hey Nathan, Nathan's date," I greet them and Brie kicks me from under the table.

"What was that for?" I whisper turning to face her so no one else's hears.

"That sounded a bit rude don't you think?" she tells me and I sit up straight taking a drink from my glass.

"Nice music they got going on here." says Nathan while bobbing his head a bit and sipping from his ice cold beer.

"Yeah it's great," I mutter and I'm barely audible above the loud music. When I had turned my sight to Nathan I saw his hand on his date's leg and I almost lost it but I decided to ignore him for the night.

"So Nathan, is this lovely young woman here your girlfriend?" Christian asks him to start conversation. Nathan shifts slightly and his "girlfriend" starts to giggle and blush.

" no she's not." he says staggering at his own words.

"Sure looks like it," I murmur under by breath.

Nathan turns his head to face at me and he opens his mouth to say something but decides against it. The whole night she keeps rubbing his arm, and leaning her head at the crook of his neck while he wrapped his arm around and over her shoulder. So much for not being together Nathan, sure as hell makes it look like they aren't. Great job at proving your point. I know I should stop gawking at them so much but the jealousy is really coming through and I don't know how to cope with it. Even when she is all touchy with him he still keeps looking at me and I can't stand it anymore so I get up and grab Brie by the arm.

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