Chapter 5

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Getting out of my car I see that Nathan is still here. I better get this over with and just say I know it's him. He can't deny it. I know it's him. 'Are you sure it is him?' my subconscious speaks yet again. Well I have to find out whether it's actually him. I wipe under my eyes and walk into the apartment. His eyes immediately find mine. I can't quite see what he is thinking. Knowing I need to confront him is making me nervous, but I need to get it out of the way. Brie is nowhere to be seen, so I decided it's now or never.

"Nathan, I need to talk with you." I mutter as I sit down in across from him. He nods and leans his elbows on his knees, giving me all his attention. 'When doesn't he' my subconscious mocks me.

"Ok, so I know it's yo-"

"Nathan we can leave now, I'm done." Brie cuts me off. Nathan doesn't even look at her, his attention is still on me.

"Nathan come on, we have to go or we'll miss the movie" she whines.

For fucks sake, the one time I actually want to talk to him I can't. What the hell Brie. I mentally curse at her. Nathan looks at her and nods, he gets up. Fuck there goes my chance. I see them walk out, Nathan behind Brie. He turns around and winks at me. Oh god, what do I do now? I should probably just take a nap, yeah a nap is good. I limp over to my room and slam the door shut and put the lock on it. I'm in no mood to talk when Brie comes back. Changing into my over sized shirt, I call it a day.

It's been 2 days since I last saw Nathan. Those have been the longest days of my life. I have no idea why, it's not like I want to see my creepy stalker. This day has dragged out way too much. I swear clinicals are fun, but they are too much work. My instructor has been on my case the whole day. And to top it all off Nathan is the reason too. He's been on my mind the whole time. I can't say I've been good because I haven't.

Brie has been going on dates with him and honestly it just makes my blood boil. From the corner of my eye I can see my instructor looking at me. I move the probe smoothly across the patients abdomen. The girl looks to be about my age if not a bit younger. I press the probe down to make sure I get the image right, as I'm about to take the image my instructor tells me to stop and to stand outside. I do as am told and take seat by the radiologist desk. What did I do this time? Ten minutes pass by and my instructor comes out.

"Gwen what were you doing?" she shakes her head.

"I was just doing what the paperwork said." I state. Which is true it clearly said abdomen ultrasound.

"No, you forgot to put the dye. Gwen did you even read the paperwork." Oh I was supposed to use dye.

"I'm sorry. I guess I missed that." All I could think about was confronting Nathan on the creepy notes and it was really putting me off my game. Ever since I met Nathan my mind floods with thoughts of him and I have been more distracted than ever. My phone brings me out of my thoughts.


"Gwen, are you busy?" Oh it's Anthony.

"Hey, no I'm not what's up?" I say as I'm getting my purse.

"So I was wondering about our date. Are you still down?" I can tell he's a bit shy.

"Yeah I'm still down." I walk out of the hospital. Thank goodness my shift is over.

"If you want we can go today? I can pick you up at 7?" Does he not know I just got out of a long ass shift. But it wouldn't kill me to go out. Actually it would be nice I don't have class tomorrow or clinicals so I guess I will go.

"Yeah that sounds good, I'll see you at 7" I smile, even though he can't see me. Anthony always makes me smile for some strange reason, I like that.

About The Boy {Nathan Sykes} |Under Editing|Where stories live. Discover now