Part 36 ~ Never in a million years

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Hoseok opened his eyes slowly, taking in his surroundings. He was bound to a chair, something around his neck.

His memories slowly started playing back in his mind.

The male remembered running out the house, going way farther then he expected. Two people jumped him, putting this thing on his neck that kept him from using his abilities, besides sight, before he could use it, though, they knocked him unconscious.

Now he found himself in this fucked up place.

He’s been there for a week now.

“Good morning Hoseok,” a man greeted, the man who’s been taunting him ever since he’s been here.

Hoseok quickly learned that this place tests on controllers, the place that caused all hybrids hair color to change. Though he found it odd that some controllers also worked in the facility, but he assumed they probably just were raised too.

He also knew that they were trying to get rid of his sight ability, the main reason why he was in a dark room, so he couldn’t see the people in front of him.

Such pussies.

“You’re still being a pussy?” Hoseok taunted, “turn on the lights sweet pea, so we may properly greet each other.”

Hoseok could feel the mans fear, hell, they all knew Hoseok was the son of Bongchol, the main reason they took him.

“Well you d-don’t have to worry, the lights will be on soon, our leader is coming,” the man said, Hoseok chuckling at his shaky voice.

He smiled, he didn’t know why he was. Probably because if he died, he would have nothing to really loose.

Though he needed to live, only because if he dies, his sight ability will leave with him; revealing the house. And he needed to protect them before anything.

“I can’t wait to meet whoever it is,” he sighed, the man exiting the room.

Soon though, Hoseok’s life would be flipped upside down.

He heard the door open, waiting for the light to turn on so he could see whoever the leader of this tortures place was, who the monster behind this could be. Though he never in a million years expected who he saw.


“Hello Hoseokie,” she smiled, Hoseok’s face morphing into one of complete fear.

NAMJIN/SOPE | Controllers Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt