Part 10 ~ A Date

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[Warning Offensive homosexual slurs up ahead, I am truly sorry if this offends anyone, so here is my warning. I do not discriminate against the LGBT community, I am Bisexual my self. I hope you enjoy, if you choose to skip this chapter I will see you in the next one :]

"AH!" Jin shrieked as NamJoon slammed his bumper car into Jin's.

NamJoon decided to take SeokJin to an amusement park, pleased that the elder loved the choice. Before they went they had stopped at a homey café, which was one of Namjoon's favorite place's on Earth.

After they ate NamJoon took them for their official date, the amusement park, NamJoon wasn't the biggest fan, but he would suck it up for Jin. The only thing he didn't tell the elder is that he didn't pay for anything, using his ability to get what he wanted. Since the younger knew SeokJin would for sure try to stop him.

"Having fun so far?" NamJoon asked, looking at the glowing SeokJin.

The eldest was having way more fun then he initially thought he would, though he wasn't going to let Joon have that satisfaction just yet.

The elder shrugged, "I guess I am."

NamJoon chuckled, taking a bold move and interlocking his hand with SeokJin's, which the elder didn't oppose, and NamJoon loved how it got a beautiful blush to form on his cheeks.

"What do you want to do next?" Jin questioned, he followed Namjoon's gaze to a rollercoaster, Jin shook his head furiously.

"Yeet bitch NO!" he exasperated.

"Come on Jin, don't be a pussy," Namjoon provoked.

"I am not a pussy, I just cherish by dismal life," Jin defended.

"Its not that bad drama queen."

"One I am a queen, two Jungkook forced me on a roller coaster and I almost shat myself."

Joon was now laughing uncontrollably, covering his mouth with his hands. Jin just sipped on his drink, seeing nothing amusing about the situation they were in.

After Joon calmed down, he proposed an offer, "two roller coasters of my choosing, then we can do whatever you want."

SeokJin's lips formed into a concentrated pout, the eldest thinking if he should take the offer the younger is proposing to him. "Fine."

Joon smirked, leading them both to his amusement, but Jin's death.


"I am never taking you on a roller coaster again!" NamJoon stated affirmatively, SeokJin now the one left to laugh.

"I told you I don't like them."


SeokJin began laughing again.


"Yo tell your faggot ass boyfriend to shut the fuck up!" a male shouted at the two, causing SeokJin to stop laughing and Joon to grow an angry scowl.

He stepped in front of Jin protectively, "What did you just say?"

"Tell your faggot a-"

"Get the fuck out of this amusement park, never step foot in it again, and apologize."  NamJoon commanded the male, not caring that he was in public. His eyes burned silver.

"I am sorry for my offensive language," the male said to SeokJin, though he kept his stupid look he had before.

He began walking away, and Joon thought he was done with the guy. Until SeokJin ran up behind him. Yeah Joon used his ability to make the guy leave, but his behavior remained the same.

"HEY WAIT!" Jin called out, his own ability coming out involuntarily.

The guy turned around, SeokJin walked up to him with a sweet smile, splashing the remainder of his drink on the guys cloths. "Call me a fag one more time it wont be juice next time," he warned passive aggressively.

"Now leave."

SeokJin walked back to Joon, who high fived the male. "We make a great power couple," he commented, Jin nodded.

"Yes we do."

Even though they had that slight bump in the road, the two continued their date, which was only filled with more fun. Joon won Jin stuffed animals, and they played a multitude of games together, enjoying one another's company. Overall it was perfect.

"Okay, our last stop," Joon pointed at the Ferris wheel, SeokJin smiled while following the male.

Once they were seated and the ride started, they were in a comfortable silence, until Jin broke it.

"Thank you Joonie, I had a lot of fun today," he admitted, looking at the male next to him.

NamJoon showed his beautiful dimpled smile, "I did too Jinnie."

Then it was silent again, the two just gazing at each other lovingly. Once they reached the top, Joon cupped Jin's face, finally connecting his lips with Jin's.

Their lips fit together perfectly, Joon able to feel Jin smiling into the kiss. Their lips moved together beautifully, with pure admiration and tenderness.

The two were happy.

Only if that could last for a life time.

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