I Love Horan

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You wanted everything to be perfect for today. You had planned this day for three weeks. It was hell keeping this news from him, but you wanted to wait for him to be home from tour before you shared the news. You had dropped subtle hints but he would not pick them up.

You had facetimed with his mother to get her Sunday roast recipe that Niall absolutely loved. He asked why you wanted that. “We never fix roast for the two of us.” Your husband of two and a half years questioned your sudden interest in home cooked family meals.

“It's your favorite meal your mother makes. Thought I might need to know it so it will be someone's favorite sometime.” You thought something might click but nope. He was to far into his golf highlights on the TV.

The dvd you had his audiovisual team fix for you was delivered the day before just like they had promised. You had set up a tee time for him and Willie. Niall questioned your reasoning for everything lately. No wine or occasional beer, different food choices “You been on a health kick lately. What's up with ya?”

“Nothing. Just trying to keep us healthy.” You added a little emphasis on the word us and placed a hand on your stomach. You had not started showing any sign of a bump yet. You had been blessed to not have any morning sickness just yet.

“And I love ya for that I do,but kinda miss my wine drunk wife at times.” He moved behind you and slid his bare arms around you sides and pulled your back to his shirtless chest.

You had a spatula in hand that you threatened him with. “If you make me burn these eggs I'm gonna beat you with this.”

“Umm sounds interesting,” he hummed as he kissed below your ear. He didn't play fair; he knew all your weaknesses and he was using two against you. Hugs from behind and the sweet spot behind your ear.

“You're a menace,” you turned your face to his and pecked a kiss to his cheek before you returned to work on the scrambled eggs. “Go on and the plates please. Oh and a couple bagels for the mini oven.”

He placed one more kiss on your neck before he moved away from you. “Niall do this. Niall do that,” he chuckled as he tried to mimic your tone. “Starting to feel like Cinderella here.”

“Ok Cinderfella,” you were proud of your play on words there, “I think asking for two things is not too much.”

“Is it too much to ask,” he sang out his own lyric. You couldn't help the smile that brought to your lips. You loved to hear him sing anywhere anytime.

After breakfast was devoured Niall headed to your room to get ready for golf. You were in the closet to find an outfit for the day. He joined you as he dressed in his new Nike golf clothes. A gray pair of golf pants matched with a royal blue Nike top. “So what you got planned for the day?” He asked as you slipped on a burgundy top.

“Just some errands today. Going to the market and other boring things.” You tried to act like you didn't have most of the day planned out up to the minute he found out your secret.

You had left before Willie showed up to collect Niall for their day of golf. You had your list of Maura's ingredients for the roast. You checked it four times to make sure you had everything. Back home you set to work on the meal. You knew it had to cook slow and on low heat nearly all day. You facetimed Maura just to make sure that you were doing it right. She laughed at your intensity of making sure every chop and slice was perfect.

“What is going on dear?” She questioned with that motherly tone.

“Just wanted to make sure it was close to being as good as your roast. You know how much he loves it.” It killed you not to tell her. The only people to know were you, the doctor's office and the audiovisual guys. It was self inflicted torture but it would be worth it at the end of the day.

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