Love Destination epilogue

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After the honeymoon was over Niall flew back to his flat in England and Y/N flew back to school in New York City. It was hard going from being together twenty-four hours a day to what felt like half the world away from each other. They made time to text, call and or facetime each other. They decided not to tell anyone about what happened in Aruba other than it was fun and relaxing. When Niall talked to her he had asked about the relationship. Y/N wanted more than anything to be able to call him her boyfriend, but they were not in a good place for that at this time in their lives. She was still in school and needed to focus on it to get her degree. He was busy with preparing songs for his next album and had doubled his load with the Ladies golf tour at Modest Golf.

When Y/N was in the studio with one of her professors she got a phone call. He gave her a stern look as she tried to silence it. She apologized profusely. She saw it was from Niall and made a mental note to let him have a piece of her mind. She focused back on what she was to be doing. She was bored and only listened to half of his directions. She already knew how to do all of this. She learned it on the road with her dad. Granted studio recording and live events were two different beast the boards did the same basic functions.

The professor asked if she had found a mentor yet to work under in a studio for the next semester. She sadly informed him that she had reached out to a few but nothing. She knew she could have used her dad to get her someone but didn't want to do it like that.

Suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket. The professor told her to go take it if it was important. She excused herself from the room and answered the unknown number.

“Is this Y/N,” a familiar voice asked. She answered that it was. “I was told that you needed a mentor to work under next semester for school. How would you like to come to LA and work under me?”

“That is very kind of you sir but who are you?” She was confused.

“It's me you nut. Julian.” He laughed at her.

Y/N couldn't believe that Julian was reaching out to her. She thanked him and asked how he knew. He informed her that they shared a common friend. “And he just so happens to be coming back to LA in two months to do some studio time with me. I'm going to need some help with him and my other clients. What do ya say?”

Y/N excitedly accepted the offer. After she ended the call with Julian she called Niall and asked if he set that up. He told her he may have put the bug in Julian's ear.

Y/N finished up that semester in NYC and packed her things and headed to LA.

She was now living with Niall and Mully in LA working under Julian. Her and Niall picked back up just like they had never been apart.

They had their first official date as a couple. They kept things quit and as low-key as they could. Niall's ex-fiancee never tried to cause any issues with them. She had signed a nondisclosure contract when she and Niall started dating. Niall had his manager reminder her of that before he returned from the honeymoon.

That all happened two years and one wedding ago. That's right one wedding ago. After Y/N got her degree in Musical Engineering she was a free bird to travel as she pleased. She traveled with Niall working on his touring team. Had her name in the credits of his album and as of twenty-four hours ago she had his last name too. Where did they go for their honeymoon? Where else but Aruba where it all started. Their Love Destination.

Dreams and Blurbs of Niall Horanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें