Love Destination (3)

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Your pov

You danced in the wet sand with Niall and laughed loudly through most of it. You blamed the fruity little umbrella drinks for that. It was fun being there with him even if it was crap circumstances that caused it to happen.

“So why didn't you tell anyone that I was there two days before the almost wedding?” You blamed this question on the alcohol also.

“Don't know. Guess I didn't want to share ya with them.” He shrugged. “I hadn't seen ya in so long. Just wanted to be with ya and catch up.”

“You didn't even tell her though? Why wouldn't you tell her?” You were confused. You knew that she wouldn't want to take your time away from him.

“Uhh well,” he scratched the back of his head. “Honestly she was kind of jealous of you. Anytime I would tell her you were going to be in town she would get all twisted up, and come up with something we needed to do.”

You were taken aback with that realization. “So she was the reason we missed out on seeing each other?” You already hated her for what she did to him. Now with this bit of information you really did hate her. “So how did she find out you were with me before the wedding?”

“I had told Deo and Willie. I guess one of her friends over heard and went runnin’ to her.” He turned to face you, “I'm not sorry about it. Kind of glad we did it. Found out she didn't trust me. If we would have been married and she left me,” he blew out a whistle.

“All we did was hit up a few pubs and talk about growing up on the road. Maybe wrote a couple horrible alcohol induced songs. It's not like we were sneaking around having an affair.” You were getting more and more flustered as you talked about it.

“One more reason I didn't tell her you were there. She tried to not invite you at all.” He looked away from you to the ocean.

“Excuse me? Did you just say she wasn't going to invite your best friend,” you paused to let it sink in. “And you still thought it was a good idea to stay with and marry her? That don't sound like the Niall I know.” You could feel your pulse pounding in your earlobes. Your cheeks heated up with anger. You knew part of it was at her, but a lot of it was him now.

“I know I know. But I told her that if you were not on the list that I wouldn't be there.” He tried to smooth things over. “You know I wouldn't leave you out of something that big in my life.”

“That's not the point Niall.” You took a step away from him. “The point is that she was a vapid bitch and I tried to tell you the first time I met her. Yet you stayed with her. You were going to marry her. You knew I didn't like her, and she didn't want your best friend there for one of the biggest days of your life. All of this, and you were still going to marry her.” You didn't wait for his response before you stormed away toward the ville that was just barely insight.

Niall called out your name as he jogged to catch up with you. “I know you can't see it from where I stood but she was good. She did fit into my life easily. We hardly had any arguments, and she didn't pay any attention to all the social media attention good or bad. She didn't react to all the gossip articles about me being seen out with other girls.”

“One question Niall,” you stopped just outside the villa. “Who picked out the ring?”

“She did. Why?” His eyebrows furrowed together.

“That's why she didn't care and why she didn't want me around. She was more worried about the money and the glitz and glamour of being with you. She didn't give a damn about you, or she wouldn't have ended it like she did. If she cared even a fraction about you like I do she would have talked to you. Did she? No she wrote you a Dear John letter to me.” Your voice was loud and harsh. “Has she even tried to contact you to see how you are? I bet she hasn't. I would almost put money on it that she is planning to do an exclusive with one of those trash magazines.”

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