This Christmas (10)

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The kitchen at Maura's was a busy bakery version of Santa's workshop. Two days till Christmas and we were in the kitchen making gluten free cookies and other treats. Music playing kids running around in and out of the kitchen playing. A couple of Niall's cousins and aunts were there to help. Apparently this was a thing. Denise was beside me giving me the low down on who was who.

One of the cousins asked how I knew Niall. I could feel a little protective vibe from Denise when she answered before I could. “They met at her work through Justin Rose. It was Justin right?”

I nod at Denise, “Yeah Justin is a member of the golf club I work at. He brought Niall in for an event I was overseeing and we have been friends since.”

Apparently that was good enough for her. She didn't ask anything else. Denise just made a face and rolled her eyes as she bumped my hip with hers.

“So where is Niall? He is usually here helping?” One of the aunts asked from across the island.

“Said he had to go out and do something this morning but should be back soon.” Maura answered matter of factly.

“Ok so I know he can bake,but you're telling me he helps out here in the cookie sweatshop?” I joked with Maura. That got a laugh from everyone. “That's it, he owes me for taking his place today.”

“What do you mean taking his place?” Maura asked.

“He told me that you needed help but he had to go check on something and asked if I cared to stay and help out.” I continued to mix the dough in my bowl. “Made it sound like you needed help and he couldn't do it. Just wait. He has had it when he gets back.”

After nearly two hours of working we were finished. Only thing left was to decorate the cooked goodies and to bake the last batch. I had learned that these were treats for the community. That the majority of them went to the church soup kitchen in town and the children's ward at the local hospital. I felt better and decided to let Niall off the hook due to that. I was in the lounge back by my room with a cup of tea talking with Denise, Chris, Maura and two of Niall's aunts.

“Sammy Jo, Sammy Jo,” Theo ran in the room with an Ipad. He looked to be a man on a mission. He climbed up in my lap and put the Ipad in my face. The entire time Denise was telling him to stop. “But mam Niall told me to distract Sammy Jo.”

We heard a door slam shut quickly after that. Everyone in the room looked at me. I felt like the awkward dream of standing in front of a crowd in my underwear was coming true. Maura asked Theo why and his answer was, “I don't know but he had a big box.” Theo asked if he had distracted me enough.

I told him yes and he crawled out of my lap and ran out of the room, “She said I did it uncle Niall.”

“Yeah I heard that bud. Thanks.” Niall popped his head in the room and said hello before he ducked out again.

“Hmmmm a big box. Wonder why he needed you distracted? Could it be a Christmas gift?” One of his aunts waggled her eyebrows at me. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. I'm sure my cheeks were fire red.

You could hear his feet hit quickly on the floor as he growled. Soon after the growl there was an outburst of laughs and screams. The adults in the room shook their heads and laughed. I asked Denise what I was missing. She stood up and motioned for me to come with her. I followed her to the front lounge and saw Niall down in the floor wrestling with the few small kids that were still there.

He was sat on the floor with a cute little girl with long brown hair hanging on his back. One boy between his side and arm. Theo stuck under Niall's legs. It made me smile to see him acting like such a big goof with these kids.

Dreams and Blurbs of Niall HoranOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora