This Christmas (11)

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“Well look what we have here,” Maura's voice broke the silence of the room. I fluttered my eyes a few times to adjust from sleep to the hazy morning light that filtered in through the sheer curtains. I thought I felt movement behind me and I tried to see what it was. I nearly fell but was saved by the arm that was around my middle.

I finally woke up and was face to chest with Niall. He had lost his shirt sometime because his smattering of chest hair was on full display. I soon realized that I had his shirt on and no pants or shorts. I sat up and caused his arm to fall to my lap. He gave me a lazy grin and asked what was wrong.

“Good morning you two,” Maura laughed as she turned the gas fireplace off. I was too terrified to look at her. I didn't want her to be disappointed with me. I could just hear my own mother's words of reprimand.

“Ma whatta doin? What time is it?” His voice heavy with sleep and thick on the accent. He rubbed a hand over his face.

“Was lookin for you two for breakfast. It's Christmas Eve morning. Are you still going for lunch with Bobby and Aoife?”

I was so glad that Maura was not making this a big deal. I looked to Niall because I wasn't sure what the schedule for the next 48 hours were. He gave me another lazy grin and then looked back to his mother.

“Yeah, guess we should get ready and head over there.” Niall waited for Maura to leave the room before he pulled the blanket off of us. “Didn't think you wanted her to see ya half dressed.” He joked.

I jabbed him with an elbow as he sat up. “You’re not funny, but thank you. I would like to keep some dignity while I'm here.”

He laughed as he pulled me into a hug. I could do nothing but smile and stare into his eyes. He held my gaze with his own beautiful crystal blue eyes. It felt like hours that we just sat there, but I know it was a matter of minutes. He broke the eye contact first when he kissed my forehead.

There was just something about the softness and tenderness of his lips on my skin. It made my insides all warm and gooey. I could stay like this with him here forever.

We made it off the sofa and I slipped a pair of sleep shorts on before I went for breakfast. Niall had made it to the kitchen about the same time as I did. He just smirked at me as he let me pass him. “What was that look for?”

“No reason,” he shook his head, “got a shirt that looks just like that one.”

We had breakfast with Maura and Chris. The topic of us or how or where she found us was never brought up. Guess she didn't want to embarrass us and or maybe the fact that he is an adult she didn't feel the need to.

After we ate and cleaned up It was time to head over to Bobby's. A pair of black leggings topped with a white, blue and gray plaid shirt dress with a thin belt and my slouch brown leather boots. Hair down with some loose curls. I grabbed my hand bag and shoved all my stuff I might need in it. Checked my phone no messages from work. Checked my Ipad no emails from work.

“Sam you about ready?” I heard Maura call from the other side of the door.

“Yeah just checking in with work. Come in.” I tried to shove my phone and Ipad in my bag. “Think I'm going to have to get a new bag.”

Maura agreed with me. “Sammy,” she sat beside me on the bed, “Can I just say that it has been a pleasure having you here with us? I'm so happy that you changed your mind and came home with Niall. Not only because I got to meet one of his LA friends. I just feel a bond with you kind of a mother daughter bond. So can I give you some motherly advice?”

I looked at my hands as she took them into her own. I just nod my head in silence. I didn't trust my own voice at this moment. This woman sat across from me has been the closest thing to a mother I have had since my mother passed away when I was 17. I loved being there with her; with this entire family. It made me miss what I use to have.

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