Love Destination (6)

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Y/N pov

You were escorted to a changing room where you were instructed to remove all clothing except your panties. There was a blue robe for you to slip on after you undressed. You were a little apprehensive, but you trusted Niall. You knew that as OCD as he is he would have done his homework on this place. You did as told and waited for someone to come find you.

Two ladies showed up at the door. One offered you a pair of slippers and collected your belongings. Everything was locked in the closet and the key was given to the other lady. The lady with the key asked you to follow her. She walked you through a hallway to a room. You saw Niall already seated in the room in a white robe. You took the seat next to him and whispered, “What is going on?”

He shushed you, “Just relax pet; just relax.”

Two ladies attended to you and Niall. Before you knew it your feet were soaking in warm water as your fingernails were getting a much needed manicure. She gave you the choice of what you wanted. You went for the classic french tip. Niall was getting what nails they could get to worked on. His lady joked and told him that he sure didn't make this easy on her. After the manicures were done you both got a facial treatment. While you waited for your treatment to dry you received a pedicure. You decided on red toes.

“Thank you for this Niall,” you had never been pampered like this before. You wondered if this is what he had planned for him her to do. If so what were the first couple days scheduled. Then your brain reminded you that it was a honeymoon. Probably a lot of sex and the things that go along with it. That made your traitorous thoughts turn against you. You had put yourself in her place in those images.

“You don't have ta thank me,” his relaxed tone sank into your ear and you smiled for no damn reason.

After everything was cleaned up the two of you were lead out of the room to a door at the end of the hallway. The guide opened the door to a beautiful flower garden that overlooked the beach and ocean. She showed you to one of the private cabanas where you could see two massage beds waited.

“Ma'am, sir please relax and enjoy your refreshments.” She drew your attention to the side table set up with fruits, cheese assortments, breads and crackers. There was even a bottle of champagne chilled in an ice bucket.

You stood before the table and scanned over the layout. Niall moved to stand behind you. His hands found your waist and his head was ducked down beside your ear, “Looks too good to disturb huh?” You agreed with him. He didn't move from behind you, but he did reach around to take a nearby strawberry.

Your head wanted to explode. He had let the first lady call you Mrs. Horan and he had called you pet. He only ever called his girlfriends little names like that.

Niall pov

There were a few select times that you couldn't get a good read on what Y/N was thinking. This was one of those times unfortunately. She didn't react to your closeness or your touch. You felt a little sad that she had not given you anything when you held her waist. You were gonna go mad you were sure of it.

Both of you fixed a small plate and you poured a little champagne to sip on for you both. You joined her on the oversized longe. “This is so amazing Niall. Thank you so much.”

“No worries yeah. I had already planned it and paid for it. Figured we might as well do it.” You passed her the champagne flute. “What do ya say we go out tonight and show off these red toenails?”

Y/N looked down at her toes and let out a giggle as she wiggled her freshly pampered toes. “Sounds good to me,” she leaned against you ever so slightly, but you could still feel the contact.

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