This Christmas (7)

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I fell asleep much easier last night and woke up earlier this time. I made my way to the kitchen to find Maura setting at the table with a radio playing music that I would expect Niall would have picked.

“Morning dear, did I wake you up,” she stood to move to the radio.

“Oh no not at all.” She turned the radio down. “I actually fell asleep not long after you and Chris went to bed.”

After I poured a glass of orange juice I joined her back at the table. I wanted to ask her about Niall and Greg's relationship. I just didn't know how without coming across nosey.

“What is it dear?” She seemed to read my mind.

I looked up at the ceiling then to her. “Maura what happened between Niall and Greg? I mean Niall hardly talks about him or his family.”

She sat back in her chair and took a sip of her coffee. “The boys love each other. Its that brotherly love that nothing can break, but it can be stretched and bent. There were things said on-line and in person that shouldn't have. Feelings were hurt and also Niall tried to keep them out of the spotlight. After that group started to harass him. They started saying things about Theo. Niall tried to protect them and I think it was taken the wrong way. Why do you ask?”

“I don't think he has ever really talked about them to me before. I mean you and Bobby and the Devine boys I feel like I know everything about you all. But nothing about Greg and his family.” I paused for a moment, “I was a little worried about them seeing each other tonight.”

“Don't worry dear. It only waste time and causes wrinkles,” she patted my arm that rested on the table. “So how about some breakfast?” She got up from the table.

“Don't make a fuse over me Maura. I can fix a bowl of cereal or something.” I really didn't want to put her out.

“You are a guest in this house and I will fuse over you.” She got that mother tone with me that she did with Niall. I just hoped she didn't pinch my ear too.

“At least let me help.” I stood and followed her to the work area. She pulled out the gluten free flour mix and other ingredients. She put me to work of mixing up the pancake batter while she got the griddle warmed up and started on the sausage.

She asked me about my job and how I met Niall. “Basically I'm the one that puts the final plans on all events and make sure they go off without a hitch. I also babysit the members and iron out whatever complaints they have.”

“You poor thing. You needed this holiday then didn't you?” She patted on me like my grandma use to. “So that is where you and Niall met?”

“Yes ma'am. We were doing an event to draw new members in. Justin Rose just happened to be in for a charity event one of his sponsors was involved in. He is an honorary member and he brought Niall for a round of golf. I have worked with Justin on activities before and I met Niall that way. Even sold him on joining the club that day.”

“Yeah yeah,” I heard from the doorway. “Justin had already talked me into it.” He walked into the kitchen and kissed his mom's check. “Um pancakes.”

“Mornin baby. You sleep well?” She acted just like he was still that sixteen year old boy from before he left for the X-Factor. It was kind of heartwarming to see.

“Yeah till I was woke up by two busy bodies being chatty and bangin’ around in here,” he winked at me with that mischievous grin he has. We both gave him a good thump for the comment.

“Good girl Sammy. Don't let him get the best of ya. Someone has to keep him in check when I'm not around.” Maura approved of my actions; thank god.

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